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  • well, not sure, looking at many cars, i'm pretty open
    i have a preferance for a Legacy Outback though (i want an AWD), like a 98, some of them go for cheap (2500-3500),if not ideally something 1500-2500. I want something comfy with a/c, power windows, mirrors and locks and working heater and starter.
    Not much has changed since you left man. I actually left Best Buy and went to work at Can Can for bit until I find another job. Yeah my took my car out on the track. It's fun as hell man. I'm going this saturday but man, I should be studying instead. lol But I dont plan to stay there long. You should come by man!
    yeah, i;ve been trying to sell it

    not tired of it actually, i love it to death but we want to buy a house and have too much debt right now so having a 10k car isn't really the best thing financially
    Ah ok, are you jewish?

    They got a lot of small cars pretty much everywhere else but north-america and australia. You've never been overseas before? The 1-series hatch has been out in europe for a few years actually, 3 or 4.

    Sorry to hear about your car, it's getting old man and unless you baby it constantly you'll always have all kinds of problems...honestly you should sell it and get something newer unless you really have a lot of money and especially time to spend on it
    hey wasup

    I'm doing pretty good man, hanging in there!
    How was Europe? Will u start coming to the meets now? The lapping is superfun, you'd love it i'm sure.....Prince is hooked on it now!
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