Dark Day for Hockey......

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Yes it does suck! *td* ...but we were prepared for it to happen, what could we expect from a "10 games" season?
C'est la vie...
Allez voir la Ligue Nord Americaine a la place ou encore le Senior 2AA!!!
Beaucoup plus d'action...!!! *tu*
This will or already has damaged the reputation of the league and the players in the eyes of the general public. Hockey will never be the same again, I don't even like the sport and I know that.
Yea, others have gotten used to doing other activities rather than watch and attend NHL games...

Bettman's legacy will have a cancelled season attached to it
Finally we won't ear about this anymore.. I mean everynight it was taking so much time off the news channels.. Thank God!
j etait sure que les joueurs auraient accepter..l an prochain les données auront changée et l offre ne pourra pu etre la meme.la nhlpa s est fait fourrer d applomb.CRISSE GAGNER UN PEU MOIN MAINTENANT POUR EN GAGNER + PLUS TARD C EST PAS DURE A COMPRENDRE SURTOUT QUAND TU FAIT 2-3 MILLION PAR ANNÉE POUR POUSSER UN ESTI DE PUCK.GANG D INNOCENT.ce que j catch pas la ' dans c est que y vont jouer en europe pour 3-4 cent milles pis tout le monde sait qu en europe y pourront jamais revoir des salaires comme ceux de la lnh,meme avec un plafond.donc lorsque ils reviendront dans la lnh(1 an?..p-e plus??)le plafond sera encore plus bas que le dernier proposer par bettman(42.5m) , genre 30m$,p-e des concession auront disparus(edm,phx,floride...),pas de contrat de télé,perte de commanditaires et finallement tout un marché a reconcquerir.
my 2 cents
in the last hour the players accepted a 42 million salary cap they are 4 million away of agreement its ridiculous to cancel a season when you are soo cloose. Players agreed a 24% salary cut, imagine one year youre salary whent down 24% it hurts . The players cam a long way ffrom not wanting a salary cap, bedman hasent budged at all, I think betman is being greedy if you ask me
il etait temps qu'ils le disent ce que tout l'monde pense depuis janvier.....c,est tu con de faire l'agace pendant 2 mois de temps "peut etre kon va avoir une saison... finalement non... mais ca va dependre de la rencontre....on veut etre sure de l'offre.....tout depend de ce que les joueur vont dire..." on s'en !@#$ tu!?!?!?! maintenant la question c'est de savoir comment il vont faire pour le repechage!?!!? ki va avoir Crosby???
Revenue sharing was the stupidest idea brough by the nhl, employees are not shareholders of the company, they are not responsible if the company is porfitable or not, thats the management part they are hockey players not business man. have you ever heard a company that if they are not as profitable as they wanted you will make less money then last year
mmm.. everyone in the NHL is greedy.. c'mon.. 50 millions to play hockey?
if players say they want to play hockey.. why the **** are they asking for 50 millions..

sure once you have the 30 millions, you want more.. etc.. well then don't just play hockey, invest in businesses, start a league do something with your life than siting around with your millions and whining about a salary cap of 50 millions.. I mean compare playing hockey to Bill Gates or Google guys or Donald Trump.. these guys actually worked their way to the millions they are making..
FreAkErZ said:
mmm.. everyone in the NHL is greedy.. c'mon.. 50 millions to play hockey?
if players say they want to play hockey.. why the **** are they asking for 50 millions..

sure once you have the 30 millions, you want more.. etc.. well then don't just play hockey, invest in businesses, start a league do something with your life than siting around with your millions and whining about a salary cap of 50 millions.. I mean compare playing hockey to Bill Gates or Google guys or Donald Trump.. these guys actually worked their way to the millions they are making..

they dont want more, they are accepting to make 24% less, they know they are payed 2 much. i dont think there greedy at all,
cest mieux comme sa car si il aurait eu une saison de 28 match sa aurait rien rapporter au equipe.

Les joueur sont sur payer et sa va causer la perte de se sport la.

Cest pas juste au hockey qui son sur payer aussi le baseball sa devient redicule.

cest un sport de riche .
but the players know that they could never see a good playing condition like the nhl offer.i m sure many players wish to return in nhl even the cap salary proposed by bettman.why they didnt doing anything like a secret vote ?anyway go habs go
koituveu said:
but the players know that they could never see a good playing condition like the nhl offer.i m sure many players wish to return in nhl even the cap salary proposed by bettman.why they didnt doing anything like a secret vote ?anyway go habs go

they wanted a secret vote, goodnow is a moron, he doesnt want to loose to bettman, it was a ego thing
interesting fact is bettman will earn 1m$ when a salary cap will be leading the nhl.
@bmwcoupe,but why the players didnt pass over goodenow to talk with bettman?some of them was certainly not agreeing with goodenow but if they were the majority i think they would do something.
pour ce qui est de Crosby, Bettman a dis a la conférence de presse qu'il y aurait un repeche avant que la ligue recommence a jouer....
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