Track addict t shirt.

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ouin donne nous un update sa fait plusieurs mois et je nai toujours pas eu mon chandail ni mon argent .. et dire que cest toi qui chialais que le monde ne te payais pas ...
Hopefully Jon will chime in soon and let you know what the delivery date is.

Ok. This is getting to be rediculous. At least an update? WTF are you doing with our money?
I dunno. I am very skeptic. If that was the case, wouldn't he be courteous enough to update us and give is reasons for the delay, instead of us having to hound him and ask him for reasons?

Last week I was told he was in Vegas trying to find a new supplier or something.
Je lui ai parlé de ca, vla 1-2 mois. Pis il m'avais dit qu'il allais trouver un autre fournisseur. PCQ là, ca avais pas d'allure.
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