Extreme Canadian ice fishermen.

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lol as crazy as it sounds its doable, but not for long, and you need to be warmed up afterward. You can experience this at any winter spas, you know, the places where you get in a sauna for 10min, then jump in the freazing river water afterward. I couldn't stay long in the freazing water but when you get out, even if its -10c, you fill like its 15c lol.
^ True that..

Once my foot went trough the ice of a little swamp, in the month of march, with a temperature around -5 (it was a nice day). 30 seconds later i couldnt use it properly to walk. 1 minute later, when i managed to take off my shoe and my sock, the air felt warm on it lol.

I definitely wouldnt want to do what these guys do, i'd probably have a cardiac arrest or something.
You can do it on a lake no prob because there are practically no currents. In a river if you loose your hole you are screwed and will most likely drown.
wow!!!! tout simplement incroyable!! au début je pensais que cétait un montage avant que vous me disiez que cest possible de le faire! Je naurais pas les couilles de lessayer... il faut pas que tu perdes ton trou de vue sinon tu es dans le trouble... et un trou c'est vraiment pas gros par rapport au lac sans compter comment mon coeur va réagir à ce changement drastique de température... disons qu'il faudrait me payer assez cher pour que je tente l'expérience...
Tu entends le gars sauter dans un autre trou derrière la camera (splouche) juste avant qu'il en ressorte a 0:26 et 0:52..

Désolé de vous décevoir les boys :p !
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