Movie Review: "Battle Los Angeles" 0/10


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Previews looked awesome, went with a bish.
Ended up being just another aliens are invading come at me bro film.

I would not recommend it.
No story line
No decent character development
No plot except for "kill the aliens"

The only "good" aspects of the movie were decent CGI and a good amount of gunfire, both of which are necessary for this kind of film. There was no crazy action scene either.

Just a heads up for anyone else thinking of going to see it on opening weekend.
If anyone liked it, I'd like to see what you found good about it.

If you like those kinds of movies go see it but if you have anything similar on your itunes/netflix/piratebay library watch that instead
Ok la, zero sur dix c'est comme on lance le popcorn a l'écran pit fukc it, j'exagere. Ce que je voulais dire c'est que c'est juste un autre filme d'action (pas trop d'action non plus) contre les extraterrestres. Rien de spécial. C'est comme le studio du filme ont dit "Ok les gars, les filmes d'extraterrestres vendent en esti, alors lets go, ont en fait un quick fast."
I didn't see it, but if you were expecting an oscar-award winning movie with riveting dialogue and expanded plot line, you were setting yourself up for dissapointment. When I see a trailer like it, I can tell it'll be that kind of movie, so enjoy it for what it is.
moi j'ai trouvé ca encore une fois trop ''pro américain''je suis un marine tu es un soldat sauvele monde a toi tu seul......
...storie line is a crap...bref moi jai pas aimé..pas un zéro sur dix mais pas loin
C'Est quoi leur point faible cette foi ci??

L'air, la music de britney spears, l'Eau, l'or, McDonald???
yeah! when I saw inception trailer, i didn't understand a single shit, and honestly wasn't very impress by the trailer, but once you see the movie...OMG!

I don't know how anyone sat through this movie, it was so fucking mundane and boring. I don't even think I got through halfway and said fuck it... Maybe I wasn't in the mood to watch another ridiculously long DiCrapio movie.
where was that online rant someone made pointing out all the stupid shit in inception that gave the allure of a 'deep' or epic cinematic masterpiece, when in reality it was just loosely tied-together pretentious hipster bullshit? (never saw it, but that sounds about right).