Undercover cop

I was always under the impression that an off duty cop CAN give you a ticket, or at the least, take down you plate and radio it in, etc.

You however, have the right not to pull over if they are in a completly un-marked car. For your own safety, you have the right to ignore him. A badge out the window isn't sufficient enough to identify someone as an officer, especially while both cars are in motion. I would suggest not to do anything stupid though, as if they are a real officer, they will take note of everything you do.
They can, and it's been done.

Lets say Jonny B Copper is in his personal car, driving to work, and in his napsack he's got his gun, his badge, and most often as well... their ticket book. If they see something, and they have the ability to interveen, they can, and probably will.

It's common knowledge that the likely hood of them pulling you over is not going to happen, but if you fly by the cop, and at redlight up ahead... he can get out, walk up to your window, badge in hand, and write you a ticket.
If it's a rainy day, I would of do some massive 3rd gear spin like a 2jz and pull some backfire up his ass yooooooooooo
l'agent de la paix peu etre en fonction en tout temps et partout au quebec. il a fait son serment une fois point

il ne fait pas son serment a tout les fois qu'il rentre travaillez

ainsi un agent de la paix peu t'arretez n'importe ou n'importe quant mais

c'est du cote de la partie administrative que ca change la partie $$

la poursuite est de la part de villes (municipale) ou du quebec (SQ) dependent du policier mais pour que le policier puissent te donner le ticket il doit etre representant de cette entite donc en service
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Quand tu est agent de la paix tu l'est 24/7 que tu le veulle ou non! Ce qui est bon ou non. Mais la pluspart des gars ne feron rien surtout au csr quand son pas sur leur shift! Mais oui il peuvent vous donner un ticket. La seul chose c'est sur l'identification de l'agent, parce que c'est sur il a montrer sa plaque mais c'est quand meme sur une ligne grise. Mais le fait qu'il ta dit de ralentir etait une avertissement. Mais je vous le dit 95% des gars ne ferons rien quand son pas en service! Mais il y a toujours des zeler partout qui on mal comprit leur fonction on apelle sa les 5% de tata!
Lets say Jonny B Copper is in his personal car, driving to work, and in his napsack he's got his gun, his badge, and most often as well... their ticket book.

I know SQ constables and regular joe-blow officers are not allowed to carry their gun off duty.