Anyone can hook me up with someone in China ?


New member
Hey guys, I was wondering if you someone here could hook me up with someone either in china, korea, thailand etc... I want to manufacture some gadgets in a factory over there. I've never been in this industry before so I have no clue where to start.

Thank you all :)

Well, if you have a business proposal written up ... you can find funding here, through bank, financers, etc... use that same proposal, and travel there to learn the market, and setup some appointments to meet some open manufacturers...

... but i can see how it can be hard if you don't want to involve too many 3rd parties....
Money aint a problem. And sure I wont involve too many people in this ! Thanks for your interests
The one thing you have to make sure by getting stuff done over there is the quality , depending on what price you get you will have to deal with 1st to 5th or more quality ( prices vary on that )
Best thing to do is to travel out there and meet some owners or marketing dudes ... thats the best way to gain their trust and respect imo ;)

I know a few thing in import/export .
Ma femme fait affaire avec la Chine mais dans le domaine du vetement,alors je pense pas avoir de contact pour d'autre domaine.
Chinese are notorious for stealing ideas, ur almost better off hiring a friend who speaks mandarin to go down as your personal translator.
Are you greedy or something ? Manufacture it here and encourage workers/economy here.

Ask the sharks if they want to buy you out for cheap.
This is a Market you can just jump into like this.. You really need to learn the market, customs and scrutinize your network with a microscope. Or it wont end it well.
PM Scirocco_16_valves c'est un ambassadeur Chinois...

BTW le cheap labor chinois ce n'est plus a la mode... Le taux de chomage est élevé dans les état du sud comme la caroline et la géorgie. J'ai une connaissance qui vient d'implanter une usine la bas, quand tu combine le transport vers la chine et autre frais sa reviens pratiquement au meme d'avoir son usine en caroline du sud. En plus tu fais rouler une économie tres influente sur notre pays (usa) tout en encourageant des conditions de travail supérieur.
PM Scirocco_16_valves c'est un ambassadeur Chinois...

BTW le cheap labor chinois ce n'est plus a la mode... Le taux de chomage est élevé dans les état du sud comme la caroline et la géorgie. J'ai une connaissance qui vient d'implanter une usine la bas, quand tu combine le transport vers la chine et autre frais sa reviens pratiquement au meme d'avoir son usine en caroline du sud. En plus tu fais rouler une économie tres influente sur notre pays (usa) tout en encourageant des conditions de travail supérieur.

why me and not edt? anyways i am going to be there this spring and summer :)
i know you all can't wait for my pictures