Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

Holy fucking fake news batman. The article is three paragraphs long and two of them are translated quotes. Trump basically says to keep calm and don't break the law or vandalize and yet somehow they translate that to Trump is asking to stop the demonstrations.

Again I reiterate, maybe his supporters should be measured based on the same criteria the left was preaching last summer. Here's a supercut for those who've forgotten.

To be clear, I think they're flat out wrong as they are 99.9% of the time, but funny how things are reported when the shoe is on the other foot.

Lol. Reuters tries to be objective to a fault. So much that they won't use words like terrorist as per their style guide /principles. They're a newswire service, not some hyperpartisan trash.

But obviously this article was nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to slander Cheetos.

Acceptable sources of news: Donald and his immediate family on whatever social media they have left, Kayleigh McEnany, Fox and Friends (sometimes)
Fake News: everything else.

Sure, the "media" is 99.9% wrong. That somehow makes sense.
For the 2k, I believe he wanted that to fuck Biden's presidency by increasing deficit. He still have a few days to fuck a few things, like destroying relationships with Cuba today.

Remember when he insisted that his signature appear on the first batch of stimulus checks? After the 2020 election, people were surprised by his good results with black voters. After inquiring, they learned that getting a check signed "Donald J Trump" instead of "US Government" made a difference for them and bought it him a lot of votes.
Remember when he insisted that his signature appear on the first batch of stimulus checks? After the 2020 election, people were surprised by his good results with black voters. After inquiring, they learned that getting a check signed "Donald J Trump" instead of "US Government" made a difference for them and bought it him a lot of votes.

Guess he wanted to see what it was like to write a check that wouldn't bounce.

Ironic thought of the day. Trump wanted to ban TikTok. TikTok has banned Trump. They will be around past the end of his presidency.
Guess he wanted to see what it was like to write a check that wouldn't bounce.


He's down to claiming the election was stolen from him on Tripadvisor revies.
À ce que je vois notre idiot de service ne comprend pas la différence entre des manifestations causées par de la brutalité policière causant la mort et une tentative de renverser le gouvernement basée sur des mensonges d’un vieux sénile narcissique qui ne peut accepter le fait qu’il ne sera plus le centre d’attention.
Bel exemple de mémoire sélective. Ça ignore le policier qui s'est fait défoncer le crâne à coups d'extincteur, les cosplayers Call of Duty avec leurs menottes qui voulaient pendre le vice-président et les membre du Congrès, la potence qui était à l'extérieur juste pour ça, les pipes bombs trouvées avant d'avoir explosé, les véhicules remplis d'armes et d'explosifs parkés un peu partout dans Washington, etc...

Il y a 1 mort et 56 blessés parmi les policiers mais faisons croire que c'était pacifique en montrant des imbéciles se prenant en photo.

Children reporting on their parents to the regime

it look familiar.

to quote: The children, Orwell writes in 1984, "were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations. The family has become in effect an extension of the Thought Police.

"Nearly all children nowadays were horrible. What was worst of all was that by means of such organizations as the Spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party. On the contrary, they adored the Party and everything connected with it…. All their ferocity was turned outwards, against the enemies of the State, against foreigners, traitors, saboteurs, thought-criminals. It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own children."

they are finally there. the us ascend to a form of communist.
Bel exemple de mémoire sélective. Ça ignore le policier qui s'est fait défoncer le crâne à coups d'extincteur, les cosplayers Call of Duty avec leurs menottes qui voulaient pendre le vice-président et les membre du Congrès, la potence qui était à l'extérieur juste pour ça, les pipes bombs trouvées avant d'avoir explosé, les véhicules remplis d'armes et d'explosifs parkés un peu partout dans Washington, etc...

Il y a 1 mort et 56 blessés parmi les policiers mais faisons croire que c'était pacifique en montrant des imbéciles se prenant en photo.

Spiff na pas tord. Il faut garder nos standar. Les rioteur ne sont pas 100% innocent. Ce soit les proud boys ou blm. les deux group son coupable des meme actions.

il a u de la violance. Mais comme dit AOC la violance c est la seul option selon elle.
to quote"The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable.

Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows.

To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable... that’s the point."

Sally Kohn une gauchiste a dit: " I understand violent protest. And those wagging their fingers against violent protest need to read up on their american history."

d un bon livre de science fiction: "When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived."

Seul raison que BLM et antifa on autent political auhority est leur historique de violance.
Les proud boy aussi exerce de la violance.
Spiff na pas tord. Il faut garder nos standar. Les rioteur ne sont pas 100% innocent.
il a u de la violance. Mais comme dit AOC la violance est necessaire.

To quote "When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived."

Une émeute c'est pas un coup d'État, d'ou la nuanace.
Spiff na pas tord. Il faut garder nos standar. Les rioteur ne sont pas 100% innocent. Ce soit les proud boys ou blm. les deux group son coupable des meme actions.

il a u de la violance. Mais comme dit AOC la violance c est la seul option selon elle.
to quote"The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable.

Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows.

To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable... that’s the point."

d un bon livre de science fiction: "When you vote, you are exercising political authority, you're using force. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived."

Seul raison que BLM et antifa on autent political auhority est leur historique de violance.
Les proud boy aussi exerce de la violance.

AOC n’a jamais dit que la violence est nécessaire. C’est toi qui dit ça. Arrête de dire de la marde. Pas tanné de passer constamment pour le jambon redneck illétré du board?
AOC n’a jamais dit que la violence est nécessaire. C’est toi qui dit ça. Arrête de dire de la marde. Pas tanné de passer constamment pour le jambon redneck illétré du board?

relit tout les tweet de ces personnage politique. ca revient a sa.
oublie pas que la difinition et la valleur des mots est influencer salon la personne qui les dit.

souvient toi cetai pendent le peek des emeute. coup de feu. rue bloquer magazin piller et vendaliser.
il avait plusieur morts par jours.

cetai plus qu un discomfort. La population avait peur pour leur vie.