Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

Not licensed to do security in Denver got hired by TV station in Denver to be security, instigated, got a response he wanted, shot and killed a man. Enjoy the 1st degree murder charge. Will never have a firearm license again, not able to vote again, limited travel and job opportunities. He can now enjoy a shitty life for the rest of his life when he gets out. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! You are right!

I don't know about the licensing angle. I think he stands a decent chance against a jury if it ever goes down that road. He was out of frame in the video I've seen (with an idiot making a scene "fuck around and find out" - not the shooter) so I don't know what he may have done to get the aggro but this goes counter to what you'd expect a security guard to do. What's your basis for this theory? He looked proficient and tactically sound (scanning after he shot the single round)

From what I've heard/ seen dead guy was rather deliberate. He pulled up his mask, and then went and shoved the intended victim's glasses down before he sprayed him. (this would increase the OC's effectiveness). I think that these actions would give fairly reasonable legitimate defence / stand your ground type basis for the security guard to justify his actions.

I'll have to see if there are other videos / angles that would give more context, a better perspective.

Maybe he'll get fucked over the lack of permit, but I don't see him facing down a premeditated murder charge over this. The victim's actions were pretty egregious and set off this whole string of events in motion. Walking around waving a can of OC. Hardly best behaviour...

It's all sorts of messed up if someone thinks bringing oc spray to a protest makes sense. More so to use it. Here, you'd get arrested for possessing a weapon for a dangerous purpose. No Ifs or buts about it.

This is not the outcome anyone would wish for, but it's not outside the realm of possibilities in a society where firearms are so prevalent. Bad call, for sure. The 2a crowd will be a bit torn over this, but I'd see most favouring the shooter.

The context of the protest was obvisouly political, but I don't see this shooting as politically motivated. Just another example of a divided society getting ever closer to chaos on a daily basis.
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fck him, hope he dies in prison, when the cheetos supporter backed away he shouldn't have shot him, his life was not in danger. I would have every single killer, pedo, wife beater, rapist hung televised so the others can see what's coming if they don't turn their lives around. At least the previous killer of a cheetos supporter got killed by cops when they went to arrest him, saved taxpayers some money with that. I can't wait to see the shit show coming after election, being sarcastic.
Sounds to me you're assessing more weight to the circumstances and other factors (political leaning of the victim) than the actual events. For deterrence to be a factor, you need a conviction in the first place.

Strip all that away and you're left with: Man brandishing weapon, instigating physical violence gets shot. One party was there to demonstrate, another to protect a client, get paid and support their family. Was this a great shooting and best outcome? No. Probably wouldn't pass muster for law enforcement. Does the shooter, as a private person held to a lower standard have any basis for a "fear for life / self-defence" argument? I think so.

Both parties shoulder some of the blame for this escalating beyond control. To which extent the blameworthiness lays is for the investigation to determine.

By the time this is settled in court, the elections will be a distant memory.
C'est de la légitime défense quand un civil te Pepper spray, mais quand les policiers répliquent après avoir été tirés par un noir, c'est un meurtre.

Sounds to me you're assessing more weight to the circumstances and other factors (political leaning of the victim) than the actual events. For deterrence to be a factor, you need a conviction in the first place.

Strip all that away and you're left with: Man brandishing weapon, instigating physical violence gets shot. One party was there to demonstrate, another to protect a client, get paid and support their family. Was this a great shooting and best outcome? No. Probably wouldn't pass muster for law enforcement. Does the shooter, as a private person held to a lower standard have any basis for a "fear for life / self-defence" argument? I think so.

Both parties shoulder some of the blame for this escalating beyond control. To which extent the blameworthiness lays is for the investigation to determine.

By the time this is settled in court, the elections will be a distant memory.

You can try to reframe what I write and pretend to know me enough to be able to tell anything about me all you want, gives me a good laugh. But now that more witnesses came forward, your innocent guy who just tries to "support his family" (LMAO trying to play that garbage for sympathy, you're pathetic) is deep enough in shit to wish he would have stayed home instead. But you know, keep selling your bullshit, somebody will buy it.
You can try to reframe what I write and pretend to know me enough to be able to tell anything about me all you want, gives me a good laugh. But now that more witnesses came forward, your innocent guy who just tries to "support his family" (LMAO trying to play that garbage for sympathy, you're pathetic) is deep enough in shit to wish he would have stayed home instead. But you know, keep selling your bullshit, somebody will buy it.

Don’t you think defence counsel would play that sympathy part? I certainly expect them to.

That would 100% go to trial with judge and jury and a battle of perceptions.

I don’t really care to change your mind or to reach a consensus. Sounds like we reached the end of that road anyways.
Ayoye je viens de voir celle de droite vient d'où.

Allez lire le texte!

“National Emergency”

By Jon McNaughton

Every year hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals march to our southern border and cross into our country. Who are they? What right do they have to come here?

Dangerous drug smugglers, human traffickers, and other criminals enter our country without permission, while many more wait in line legally hoping for the American dream. These law breakers cost the American taxpayer over 100 billion dollars a year and have a disproportionate level of crime in our population. President Trump only asks for 5.7 billion dollars to secure the border, so why won’t the politicians let him do it?

In my new painting, the Democrat establishment declares victory against President Trump as he announces a national emergency to secure the border. They proudly hold the flags they represent and cherish. Our politicians have become traitors to this country, in most cases they are more loyal to whichever country, lobbyist, corporation, or special interest group that will keep them in office and line their bank accounts. I’m sick of how they trample our flag and do not seek America’s interests first.

Trump stands apart from them with his head bowed contemplating the state of our border situation. He sees a lost doll left behind by a little girl forced to make the dangerous journey. To not build the wall is to allow people on both sides of the border to suffer needlessly.

“Tolerance for illegal immigration is “not compassionate,” but “cruel.” – President Trump

The storm is rising and responsible Americans support President Trump as he declares a “National Emergency.”*
lol. Me demandais les Allemands avaient fait comment pour tomber dans le panneau dans les années 30, et finalement on vois un siècle plus tard que y'en encore du monde qui embarque a 100 mile a l'heure dans le du culte du chef... Pour Trump le drapeau c'est rien de plus qu'un prop / symbole. Idem pour la religion.
Sont vraiment mongols les américains, carrément pareils que les fanatiques du moyen orient. Des guns, Jesus et Trump.