Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

So, more time has passed, Trump continues to be correct.


Let's see what other truths the future will render as self evident.


look you can be as conservative as you'd like...but if you're tallying up the Trump thuths, do you mind comparing them to the shiploads of complete bullsh*t he's told his population? Republicans and conservatives around the world should hate this guy for his embarassing representative embodiment.

anyway, lol. i was curious how this thread was still relevant.
You and the likes of you are why we are in our current predicament.

Agreed, hate towards trump has definitly impacted the judgement of a lot of people, it's ok, we're all human, it's a little bit disappointing though not to learn from that....Trump did, from his mistakes...:D
Here is the problem, I say stuff and it takes too long to come true because most people have the attention span of a goldfish. A year and a bit later, Wisconsin just decided to move forward on withdrawing their electoral college votes.

Things have been more or less ready in Arizona, shit is brewing in Pennsylvania and there could also be a contest in Georgia.

It seems like they needed to get to a point where enough people hated Biden to not be up in arms if he was removed. I'm sure a fuck ton of people would like a redo and don't want to wait until 2024.

If I had to guess, when things start really moving they are going to start popping off recalls in multiple states to spread their defense thin. Still don't expect anything of significance soon but Inb4


Le titre de l'article est digne d'un post de Grim. Credible source ia credible

**HUGE BREAKING NEWS** — Wisconsin Assembly Votes to Advance Rep. Ramthun’s Resolution to Reclaim Wisconsin’s Electors For President and Vice President That Were Certified Under Fraudulent Purposes — VIDEO
Les Démocrates sont encore sur la présumée ingérence Russe en 2016.

People don't understand that history is easy to review after the fact because you can compress a whole decade of change into a single paragraph. If you're actually living in a historically noteworthy period, it takes a sharp eye to see it in real time because some of the story has not happened yet and you don't really know the end before it happens, just educated guesses. It's a question of not seeing the forest for the trees.

And @SRT, good job and judging the article by the headline. They did a decent job of resuming the matter and literally put a video if you still don't believe what they're claiming, but yeah, don't trust it because they put *BREAKING NEWS* as the headline. :rolleyes:
This didn't turn out all that bad for Trump in the end. Biden is polling worst in his first year than Trump was polling in his (And Biden wasn't saddled with 98% negative media coverage and a bogus Russia investigation being carried out by American NatSec Agencies and US media)

Democrats will get wiped out in the mid-terms and are looking at a good decade out of power in that regard.

2024 is still far away but I don't see what Democrats can do here. Biden is done, Kamala Harris is worst and their bench is absolute trash (Unless some people really believe Pete Buttigieg will save them)
Mais pour vrai je trippe à regarder les discours de Biden, le monsieur est complètement toasté lol, il a traité un dude de son of a bitch et plein d’autres niaiseries du genre. Ils devraient juste faire des émissions de débat entre Trump et lui, ça serait malade de voir les 2 vieillards se pogner.
Mais pour vrai je trippe à regarder les discours de Biden, le monsieur est complètement toasté lol, il a traité un dude de son of a bitch et plein d’autres niaiseries du genre. Ils devraient juste faire des émissions de débat entre Trump et lui, ça serait malade de voir les 2 vieillards se pogner.


comme dans temps des youtube debate BLOODSPORT!

xXx NO RULES xXx. Avec 360 no scope MLG.
A voir où ce pays s'en va avec Trudeau qui sera probablement PM jusqu'à sa mort, je dirais pas non mais Biden est probablemnt le seul chef d'état sur la planète qui fait bien paraître Justin.