Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

Gee, I wonder, what is it like being the smartest man on the internet?

Speaking of traps...

Here's the thing: you guys have invested to much time and effort playing WebMD with that invented disorder (TDS) and vilifying the opposition that you're deadly afraid you'd be painted with the same brush by your comrades the second you disagree with the party line. You're locked in and doubling down to keep the discomfort at bay. You wouldn't want to be as dumb as a libtard, would you?

The lies keep pilling up but somehow it's business as usual.

He said covid-19 would be over by the end of April and it's not? Oh well, let's lash out at Obamagate!
He said he'd release his taxes and is not doing so: Deep State trap ahead! 4D chess, muthafucka!

No one tries to disprove the idea that when there's smoke, there's fire by making up some novel presidential privilege and fighting disclosure all the way up to the supreme court.

This has dragged on and on... what for? So he doesn't have to defend how little taxes he paid? His base doesn't care for that. Taxation is theft in their mind. Or maybe he doesn't have the revenues and wealth he claims to. That would be more damaging to his brand.

He's so next level that he's not worried about voter suppression! He's worried about worthy candidate suppression? Man, what a genius. Somehow the democratic frontrunners managed to disclose their taxes...

Every simple thing has a convoluted explanation for it. That's the beauty of it all. If not? Strawman! Re-Direct (but Obama / but Democrats)

Trump can't afford to run of his "record". If the economy doesn't magically turn around overnight, he's going to need a new front. I look forward to see what distraction he'll come up with. Maybe China will get fed up with the scapegoating and unfortunate things happen in the south china sea?

Being smart enough to get yourself elected is worthy of praise. That was brilliant. It doesn't make one smart enough to run a country however. Trying to consolidate all that power in one man is a fool's errand.

Thank you for the title, but I don't consider myself to be so. Let me bang out some quick fire answers because I know I'm wasting my time but what the hell.

Painted with the same brush LMFAO. I can openly admit I hate the way he speaks, everything is the greatest, the best but I understand that's just his way of talking and I don't take him literally. I also think he's hugely idiotic for having claimed responsibility for the economy. I think that will bite him in the ass. Meanwhile here is TDS defined:


You say the lies are piling up but lies defined by who, the media? Again, REAL news flash, they've been wrong on every fucking major issue for the past 3 years, and even worse, it's now coming out that they were running interference for their Deep State buddies. You claim where there's smoke there's fire, it's more like them setting up smoke machines and screaming fire. Some people see that smoke and believe there's a fire while smarter individuals take a whiff and know nothing's burning. I've seen smart individuals become mentally debilitated when it comes to all things Trump. 120 IQs drop to an equivalent of 85. This is what I refer to as the TDS effect.

So let's take one of your examples. Please provide to me proof that he said COVID would absolutely be over by April. I could be wrong but everything I've listened to he had always prefaced it with words like "hope, wish, want". Because that's very different and pretty much everyone wants it to be over ASAP. Again, could be wrong but if I'm not it just provides another example of how these little bits of false information build up to a case of TDS.

As for Larkee and Spaceman

So let's take one of your examples. Please provide to me proof that he said COVID would absolutely be over by April. I could be wrong but everything I've listened to he had always prefaced it with words like "hope, wish, want". Because that's very different and pretty much everyone wants it to be over ASAP. Again, could be wrong but if I'm not it just provides another example of how these little bits of false information build up to a case of TDS.

The exact wording of that one claim on it's own aren't the hill he dies on. It did include an "in theory" and wishful thinking isn't a crime. In the grand scheme of things, this was a mild claim by Trump standards.

But this all fits into a pattern of underscoring the threat and not responding pro-actively (beyond closing the border with China - though some people claim the U.S strain came from europe)

People expected more from their president because he made it a point to be at the center stage. Is this an issue a single person can solve? No, but he has hampered overall efforts and short of taking responsibility - he will need to pay the "price".

As you said, pre-emptively claiming the economy wasn't the greatest play. Remember the "lowest black unemployment" boasts? Yeah, those have not aged well in a post-covid world. They'll be countered by "highest death rates"

Here, I know the source isn't the greatest, but let's call it "opposition research"

That's how the Biden Crew is spinning this. You can dispute the sound bites as much as you want, it's easy to show a pattern at hand.

According to WaPo's so called Fact Checker:
In 1,170 days, President Trump has made 18,000 false or misleading claims

Looks like, ironically, the COVID killed it as it hasn't been updated since April 3rd.

The Media being the Media, and politicians being politicians there's always going to be half-truth and deception. But what's your confidence level this is ALL a hoax. I'm not a betting man, but I wouldn't like these odds.

Ultimately, things should be shaken up in Washington but I've come with the impression that a "strong president" doesn't make for a "strong america". Not if everything turns into Trump vs the world.

Showmanship is very much a necessary skill, distractions are an effective strategy, but there's a problem to have "too much of a good thing". This whole circus has not been productive from the looks of it. Twitter diplomacy had some initial shock value / appeal, but it even that went overboard.

As appalling of a Candidate Sleepy Joe may be, maybe the democrats have the right strategy after all. Have some brain dead old white dude smile for the pictures. Have his minders keep him on a tight leash / script while the business takes place away from the spot light / 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
It goes back to the fact that they're now being taught "activist journalism" in school. They're activists first and journalists second with the latter serving the former. It's complete joke, nobody is there strictly to report on the news anymore.

Speaking of which, look at this shit:

That teenager being there just sums it all up lol

It would be funny if it were SNL - sadly, being real life, putting a teenage witch in there only proves your (and my) point. Greta brings in the clicks, relevant or not.

My bet is that she know as much about Corona than she actually knows about the physics, economics and geography/geology of global change.
C’est tu moi ou c’est bizarre de voir le POTUS tweeter des publicités pour un livre comme un vendeur

On parles du gars qui bill le secret service pour rester dans ses hotels quand il joue au golf. J'penses que le "give-a-fuck" factor n'a jamais été très élevé pour lui.
Can we just all agree, that he's pretty dumb, with "ok" business skills, but much less evil than the other choices available? So you know there's always the chance that he might end up taking a few good decisions, by pure luck, which is still better than someone smarter that just wants to transform us in even more obidient/docile slaves than we already are, I mean jeez we're already taking it up the as* what more do they want from us....
Can we just all agree, that he's pretty dumb, with "ok" business skills, but much less evil than the other choices available? So you know there's always the chance that he might end up taking a few good decisions, by pure luck, which is still better than someone smarter that just wants to transform us in even more obidient/docile slaves than we already are, I mean jeez we're already taking it up the as* what more do they want from us....

I think you're giving too much credit to the president that wants people "to liberate states" that are not aligned with his views on covid. Have you seen the kind of shit show he empowered in Michigan? Meal Team 6 responded promptly to his tweet...

People in the states are deadly afraid of socialism. God forbid they make some changes and get some sort of universal healthcare at some point in the future. It's not like 30 million people just lot their health coverage when they lost their jobs...
Can we just all agree, that he's pretty dumb, with "ok" business skills, but much less evil than the other choices available?

Na bro, liberals and leftists will have you believe that the country, and the world, was better off with *these* principled, upstanding republicans, this is what they're pining for:

I think you're giving too much credit to the president that wants people "to liberate states" that are not aligned with his views on covid. Have you seen the kind of shit show he empowered in Michigan? Meal Team 6 responded promptly to his tweet...

People in the states are deadly afraid of socialism. God forbid they make some changes and get some sort of universal healthcare at some point in the future. It's not like 30 million people just lot their health coverage when they lost their jobs...

I don't know man, he is certainly not in an easy position, and although he's far from the sharpest guy in the room lol, maybe if people would give him a freaking break, maybe he could perform a little bit better at his job, also let's not forget talking in front of so many people is really hard, especially since everyone is giving you shit for every word that comes out of your mouth, it's normal you'll stumble, words will come out all wrong, so let's not judge him too much on that...

But yeah he's the president, so supposed to be able to handle all that gracefully, which is not his case, cause well... he is kind of an idiot, but would rather have an idiot in power than evil, not even sure "evil" is the right word for the other guys, goes beyond evil, to a point that I think we can't even understand....
I don't know man, he is certainly not in an easy position, and although he's far from the sharpest guy in the room lol, maybe if people would give him a freaking break, maybe he could perform a little bit better at his job, also let's not forget talking in front of so many people is really hard, especially since everyone is giving you shit for every word that comes out of your mouth, it's normal you'll stumble, words will come out all wrong, so let's not judge him too much on that...

But yeah he's the president, so supposed to be able to handle all that gracefully, which is not his case, cause well... he is kind of an idiot, but would rather have an idiot in power than evil, not even sure "evil" is the right word for the other guys, goes beyond evil, to a point that I think we can't even understand....
The "evil" comes from the way the system has been designed to favor the big corporations and the billionaires over the little guys. So far, Trump has made no changes to that system and has shown no interest in doing so.

Trump's biggest problem is his ego. Nobody is expected to be an expert on every topic but a President can rely on his advisers to help him with his decisions. In Trump's case he ignores them and thinks he knows better. That's how he alienated old times allies and ended up actually helping enemies like Russia and China.
On parles du gars qui bill le secret service pour rester dans ses hotels quand il joue au golf. J'penses que le "give-a-fuck" factor n'a jamais été très élevé pour lui.

le gars a quand même renoncé a son salaire de président .... faudrait qu'il loge sont personnel à ses frais dans ses resorts aussi j'imagine ?

Obama a t-il renoncé a son salaire durant 8 ans ? est-ce que le secret service était logé gratis quand il allait jouer au golf ?

Net worth du sauveur Obama avant de devenir POTUS : 1.3 millions
Net worth du sauveur Obama suite à 2 mandats POTUS : 40 millions
Can we just all agree, that he's pretty dumb, with "ok" business skills, but much less evil than the other choices available? So you know there's always the chance that he might end up taking a few good decisions, by pure luck, which is still better than someone smarter that just wants to transform us in even more obidient/docile slaves than we already are, I mean jeez we're already taking it up the as* what more do they want from us....

"Ok business skills". Il a fait faillite 5 fois avec des Casinos, pas une PME, des casinos sacrament. Il est à chier comme businessman. Il devrait s’injecter du javex des veines et venir bragger devant les médias pour qu’on finisse de parler de cet esti de bouffon corrompu.

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
le gars a quand même renoncé a son salaire de président .... faudrait qu'il loge sont personnel à ses frais dans ses resorts aussi j'imagine ?

Obama a t-il renoncé a son salaire durant 8 ans ? est-ce que le secret service était logé gratis quand il allait jouer au golf ?

Net worth du sauveur Obama avant de devenir POTUS : 1.3 millions
Net worth du sauveur Obama suite à 2 mandats POTUS : 40 millions

Tu crois vraiment les paroles d’un des plus grands menteurs pathologiques de tout les temps? Jbet qu’il touche à son salaire quand même. Faut vraiment être naïf pour croire tout ce que le guido in chief peut dire.

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
le gars a quand même renoncé a son salaire de président .... faudrait qu'il loge sont personnel à ses frais dans ses resorts aussi j'imagine ?

Obama a t-il renoncé a son salaire durant 8 ans ? est-ce que le secret service était logé gratis quand il allait jouer au golf ?

Net worth du sauveur Obama avant de devenir POTUS : 1.3 millions
Net worth du sauveur Obama suite à 2 mandats POTUS : 40 millions

Le concept d'un conflit d'intérêt viens de te passer a 53' au dessus de la tête.

Emoluments clause? T'es pas supposer tirer d'avantage direct de ton "office" outre ton salaire.. De trimballer tout ce beau monde la chez vous, et que chez vous a toute fin pratique, aux frais du gouvernement c'est pas legit.

Le dude il peut jouer au golf tant qu'il veut (après avroir critiquer obama pour ça) mais pratiquement tout le temps sur ses propres terrains?? (aux états ou a l'étranger) Il est la le conflit. Idem pour quand il invite des dignitaires étranger. C'est trump co qui bill pour l'hospitalité. Le dude voulait faire le G7 chez eux avant que l'opinion publique rendent ça impossible.

C'est comme quand le VP était rester a l'hotel de trump en irlande, a 182 miles de l'endroit de sa rencontre (dublin)
C'est presque pas sketch... et l'explication officielle a changer quelques fois.

Le gouvernement fait des appels d'offre pour ne pas trop faire de favoritisme. La, la tete du gouvernement profite du fait qu'il a une tonne d'hotels et de resort. Techniquement, il serait supposé se garder une petite gene. Mais sa stratégie c'est clairement "not a single fuck was given that day". Zéro nuances, full speed ahead.

Toujours la meme strategie: on evite ce qui est vraiment contentieux d'un sujet et on riposte avec une attaque. But "Obama"

Meme le communiste de Bernie est devenu riche en écrivant un livre. La notoriété c'est payant, tout le monde le sait.

Textbook deflection. C'est rendu tellement ingrainer dans la mentalité du monde que ses "keyboard warriors" le font pour lui.

Il a meme réussi a peindre tout le reste de l'establishment politique américain comme étant si croche et evil, que du fait qu'on préfère ses niaiseries, son narcisissisme et sa tonne de menteries comme alternative.
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Tu crois vraiment les paroles d’un des plus grands menteurs pathologiques de tout les temps? Jbet qu’il touche à son salaire quand même. Faut vraiment être naïf pour croire tout ce que le guido in chief peut dire.
Son salaire c'est de pinottes comparé aux montants qu'un président peut diriger vers ses entreprises. Il n'y a qu'à penser aux diplomates étrangers qui se sont fait dire que ça serait mieux vu s'ils restaient dans un hotel Trump quand ils venaient pour lui parler. On ne parlera même pas des bailouts aux industries affectées par le Covid-19...