Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

Donald John Trump is now president: what does it mean for you?

Are you really this dense? You don't send your candidate and the still very popular ex-president BOTH in the same state 4 days ahead of your election if the polls have you up by 10 points over there. These campaigns have internal polling, not the crap that the media published to suppress voters. If Biden AND Obama are there, that means their internal polling tells them they need to pull all the stops to win there.

Tu es vraiment retard or what? La différence entre Biden et Clinton est que Biden ne PREND rien pour acquis. Obama le dit: "DO NOT TAKE THE POLLS FOR GRANTED, GO VOTE!". Le lead est là, mais pas insurmontable non plus. J’ai dit up par 5 pts et +, pas up par 10 pts imbécile...

Tu dis que les polls poster par les médias c’est dla crap. Pourtant Trump adore tweeter les polls de Rasmussen, ça ne doit pas être tant de la marde si ton gourou le tweet.
depui cet ete quand reddit a banner et controler leur platform et les autre media aussi.
Il a aucune platform de droit qui a une chance etre mainstream.

Sans les media trump ne peu pas snitch une victoir.
Yes of course. Because everyone know that the Dems will ban oil&gas, your guns, your god, your cows, your car and even your wage.

Trumpist demagogy at his best.

The guns is an issue.

The dems will create more rules to ban guns. That need to be stop
À chaque année c'est identique, toutes ces "news" qui pop étrangement une semaine avant les élections autant dans un camps que dans l'autre, et pendant ce temps là les fanboys des deux camps n'y voient que du feu, chacun idôlatre les news en faveurs de son camps et call bullshit sur les news du camps adverse, personne semble avoir la capacité intellectuelle de prendre un step back et de se dire attend minute là, sa sort à une semaine de l'élection en grosse panique est-ce que ca se peut qu'on essaie de me convaincre de quelque chose ici?

Les médias sont rendus tellement loin dans la guerre de la désinformation qu'ils sont prêts à inventer des crimes de toutes pièces pour faire dévier les votes juste avant l'élection, une fois l'élection terminée il n'y a rien de plus facile que d'abandonner une cause par manque de preuves, témoignages insuffisants, perte de documents and what not mais c'est pas grave rendu là l'objectif a été atteint depuis longtemps. Les deux bords sont coupables, mais les fanboys des deux côtés voyent rien venir c'est assez hilarent à regarder!

Pantoute. Tucker Carlson avait vraiment des preuves de la culpabilité de Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton et l'identité du vrai assassin de Kennedy mais son chien a mangé les documents alors tu dois le croire sur parole.
The guns is an issue.

The dems will create more rules to ban guns. That need to be stop

Écoute le clown, Obama a été au pouvoir pendant 8 ans et rien n’a été fait à ce niveau, Clinton a été au pouvoir, rien n’a été fait, tu peux nommer tout les président démocrate et rien n’a été fait à ce chapitre. Tu peux dormir en paix avec ton glock chargé en dessous de ton oreiller.
Écoute le clown, Obama a été au pouvoir pendant 8 ans et rien n’a été fait à ce niveau, Clinton a été au pouvoir, rien n’a été fait, tu peux nommer tout les président démocrate et rien n’a été fait à ce chapitre. Tu peux dormir en paix avec ton glock chargé en dessous de ton oreiller.

Oui Il a des lois.
mais il ont pas un coup.

Il y a beaucoup de ban au U.S.A.
Just a voir le prix des arms pre ban.

avec un autre 8 ans de democract encore plus de ban est au menu.
He explained why he came forward now, when he heard politicians like Adam Schiff saying that this whole thing was Russian disinformation and that there was no truth it, he stepped in. Now I don't doubt he's got a axe to grind against those people (I'm guessing they stiffed him on some payments) but he still brought receipts to the table.

Now why should people care? Well the lies and the hypocrisy for one. Mainstream media is trying to portray Biden as this mountain of man of impeccable character who will bring decency and integrity back to the White House when the man is corrupt beyond belief. He also blatantly lied about his knowledge of all of this.

From what Bobulinksy is saying/showing, it's pretty clear that Hunter was the bagman who collected the money and then kicked it back to his uncle Jim and his father Joe. That would also mean President Joe would be compromised by China, so yeah, that's a pretty fucking deal.

He's been showing them ever since he came out of the woodwork? There's a litteraly a video of his interview in this thread where he reveals tons of stuff.

Said without irony by someone who gobbled up the Russia hoax, the bounties on US soldiers hoax, the dead soldiers are suckers and losers hoax, etc.

Ignorance is bliss.

Once again a Trump defender having a problem with conflicts of interest all of a sudden. Like his own daughter and her husband aren't on his own administration. Whew, I'm weak.

'The Russian hoax' led to 40 indictments, once again. Will you retards stop saying the same thing over and over again? The other stuff you mentioned, I don't even know what you're talking about and I don't know why you're assuming I know about them?

I'm out of this thread, arguing with disingenuous ppl like you is insufferable and a waste of time. I'll let you guys with your Fox and OAN and Infowars alternative reality.
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With the mainstream media becoming nothing more than glorified PR firms for the Democratic party, this is literally what it's going to come down to for these guys to be asked any sort of tough questions. It's sad but it is what it is.

He did this when exactly?

he did, multiple times. In fact if the dems really wanted to get rid of DJT, they could have impeached him in a snap. It is not constitutional to personally profit from a position in the government. Why they didn't do it and tried with the weak Ukrainian dossier instead? Simple, they're all profiting personally from their position. If they did, it would have created a precedent and they would all be indicted. To think the Reps or Dems are not as corrupt as the other party is wishful thinking.
so DOJ just confirmed H.Biden is under on-going criminal investigation.

