Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

I just read the official Trump Executive Order for the ingress ban. Nowhere in it does it mention Muslims nor Islam.

Assume for a moment that the majority of people interpret this as a ban on Muslims - and they already have.

But wait, there's more:

The ban applies to people from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

Here's the official list of the most Islamic countries in the world:

Only 3/7 of the countries are in the top 10.

Syria isn't even top 30...

I think the media read what they wanted into this and attacked based on what Trump said about radical Islam - even though in many ways he has a perfectly legit right to defend his country against it and if he wanted to ban all Muslims he probably - at least temporarily - could.

What he wants to do is prevent people who come from countries that have exported the most TERRORISTS. I know, I know, in the 1970s and 80s the IRA blablablah... and in 5000BC the Egyptians forced slaves blahblahblah...

We're not talking about ancient history, these are current events.

Given all I've pointed out above: Am I the only one that worries the way the media and 90% of people have interpreted Trump's new legislation will make martyrs out of Islam?

Will it soon be illegal to critic Islam the same way it's illegal to critic Hebrews and Judaism? Seriously, just look at what happened to the poor sap that played Kramer on Seinfeld.

Mel Gibson became "persona-non-grata" in Hollywood for a while after his antisemitic outburst.

Although to be fair, Hollywood would go bananas on any criticism against any group.

A perfect - and hilarious - example is Will Wheaton:
The problem is stemming from saying they will prioritize Christians.

The left is spinning it as if you prefer Christians, you are rejecting Muslims.
The problem is stemming from saying they will prioritize Christians.

The left is spinning it as if you prefer Christians, you are rejecting Muslims.

3:02 in the interview:

"I’ll tell you the whole history of it: When he first announced it, he said ‘Muslim ban,'" Giuliani said on Fox News.

"He called me up, he said, ‘Put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally.’"

It also includes bonus bullshit about Saudi Arabia.
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Moi ce qui me fascine c'est comment les médias réussissent à tourner tout ce que Trump dis en catastrophe en oubliant de mentionner les détails les plus importants lol...

Comme l'histoire du mur, 98% des personnes qui panique en entendant les médias parler du mur qu'il veut "construire" ignorent COMPLÈTEMENT qu'il existe déjà le fucking mur sur le 3/4 de la frontière au moment où on se parle LOL.

Il n'est pas complet, le mur devient des clôtures barbellées à certains endroits, mais il y a quand même genre 900kms+ de mur de déjà présent, Donald Trump veut le finir le putain de mur c'est pas compliqué.

Mais ça les médias jugent pas nécessaire d'informer le petit peuple de ce genre de détail, la nouvelle serait pas mal moins dramatique si on mentionnait ca...

Ils aiment mieux faire des news du genre "He wants to build a wall?!?!?" en innocents comme si personne avait jamais entendu ca et qu'il y avait juste Trump pour pouvoir penser à ca.
The problems with the Trump policies goes beyond the concrete immediate effect they might have. It speaks to the values and his beliefs and are a sign of things to come.

The confrontational relationship and non-stop media bashing. He's already largely frozen out CNN, how many more media outlets will he freeze out until he only talks to the one he likes?
Botched executive orders because they don't want to consult with other departments, how long before everything is formally centralized at the white-house?
Directly targeting individual companies through his twitter rants, all these CEO's living in fear that they'll be next and see their share prices drop.
Making sure the recent ban included permanent residents and people that have valid visa's, further extends the nativist discourse and makes room for a racist divide in the country.

The media's done a poor job covering his presidency, scurrying everywhere trying to cover everything. Then again maybe that's what the white house wants them to do.

#fakenews #illuminance #BringBackSandro

Colleen Schwartz, the Vice President of Communications at The Wall Street Journal, confirmed that these editions were printed at different times, not in different markets. The edition on the left was published after Trump met with Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto early in the day (and referenced the seemingly cooperative tone of their discussion), and the edition on the right was published after Trump delivered a speech on immigration later in the day (and referenced Trump's reasserting his stance that he would force Mexico to pay for the building of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border):

Print newspapers sometimes undergo revisions throughout their daily runs and typically employ marks to distinguish the various editions — in this case the differing WSJ editions are distinguishable by the number of stars displayed in the masthead:

#lazypropaganda #picturesareworthathousandlies #informyourself #stopcopypasting
#lazypropaganda #picturesareworthathousandlies #informyourself #stopcopypasting

yeah suuuure thats it, there's No Chance that there's deception on the part of his opponents, never, couldn't happen

#libsarerealitydissabled or worse #covertmarxists
yeah suuuure thats it, there's No Chance that there's deception on the part of his opponents, never, couldn't happen

#libsarerealitydissabled or worse #covertmarxists

the wsj are his opponents now? The same people that own fox news who are great great friends of Trump, who do a tremendous job are also his opponents now because they change a headline to reflect candidate trump's (he was only the candidate for the presidency at the time of that article) newest statement, nope, never, couldn't happen.

Putting words into quotes that Schumer didn't even say in that video, that's not deception?
From another thread but relevant because irony ;)

Are we equating violence and riots with speech? Either that or I missed your point. If we're just talking about celebs pushing their agenda, then I don't see the irony. They have the right to say what they please, we have the right to ignore it... something the left should learn to do.
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