CRTC bans Videotron's unlimited streaming.

Net neutrality is more important than fake good deals.

I understand, but since the Internet has evolved a few different ways, it now makes sense to remove from bandwidth cap some services, like say, cloud backups/replication, voip, movie/music streaming since they are just another delivery method.

Anyways, sooner or later, unlimited will be the norm in larger cities, infrastructure permitting.

If unlimited is not good, might at well cap 50000TB/mo of the same content they used to offer unlimited. Screw CRTC.
I understand, but since the Internet has evolved a few different ways, it now makes sense to remove from bandwidth cap some services, like say, cloud backups/replication, voip, movie/music streaming since they are just another delivery method.

Anyways, sooner or later, unlimited will be the norm in larger cities, infrastructure permitting.

If unlimited is not good, might at well cap 50000TB/mo of the same content they used to offer unlimited. Screw CRTC.

Having specific services be omitted from the cap goes against fair competition, not that caps should exist in the first place...
It's completely bullshit that the same amount of data can be either free or very expensive depending on the music service you're using.

Why not let market decide ? Isnt Rogers giving you access to free NHL games streaming ?

Speaking of unlimited , just upgraded to unlimited bell fibe 50 last night for 15$ more per month. Time to get back on torrents.
This is a good thing for net neutrality in Canada. This will force ISP to provide unlimited data for everything eventually instead of pushing their content.

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Probably the best feature I've ever had from any service provider, but a bunch of fucking chauffages complained it wasn't fair that people got free music and not free data.

This is why we can't have nice things.
Videotron se sont plaint que Bell offrait la tv gratuite sur des forfait et on du l'enlever. Good ridance if you ask me. Je pouvais écouter le hockey au gym facilement avant pis pu maintenant.

Fuck off qui mange de la marde

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On s'en reparleras, ils travaillent sur un gros projet de rendre les milieux ruraux accessible à une connexion d'au moins 50mbts. On s'entend tu que ce serait temps !

Toutes les choses dans la vie ont un cout.
Pour vrai ces 2 dernière année le crtc on aider as avoir plus de donner pour moin cher pour internet à la maison. Les revendeur comme ebox descende de plus en plus leur prix et offre plus de bandwitch à cause du crtc qui change bcp de chose. Pour vrai rien à redire des 2 dernière année du crtc

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Cette mesure est pour empêcher que les fournisseurs de services de téléphonie cellulaire d'offrir des produits différenciés en créant des barrières à la sortie pour ses consommateurs: en créant des services et des produits exclusifs, le consommateur qui a déjà un forfait avec Bell a la tv gratuite de sorte s'il veut changer de fournisseurs (de passer de Bell à Rogers), il devra renoncer à ce privilège exclusif du 1er fournisseur. Et une différentiation des produits en téléphonie mobile conduit de façon inéluctable à une hausse des coûts pour le consommateur. Bell pourra dire: "Voyez chers clients, vous avez déjà la tv gratuite avec nos services. Nos coûts d'exploitation ont augmenté et on vous recharge la différence. Oh, vous n'êtes pas content. Pas de problème mais nos compétiteurs n'ont pas les même exclusivités que nous offrons. De plus, vous avez déjà investis de votre argent dans nos applications personnalisés (ex: iTunes vs Spotify, et leurs bandes passantes gratuites selon l'application): ça sera tellement dommage que vous perdiez tous vos crédits. Encore là, vous êtes libre de partir."

Cette mesure est une bonne chose et empêche les 3géants à créer des produits différenciés et de façon à long terme d'augmenter leurs prix.

S'il y a qui sont contre, eh bien c'est votre opinion car vous avez un intérêt personnel mais l'intérêt général s'y perd. Lorsque l'intérêt général s'y perd, c'est le début de la fidélisation par cloisonnement et tout le monde y perd.
Why not let market decide ? Isnt Rogers giving you access to free NHL games streaming ?

Speaking of unlimited , just upgraded to unlimited bell fibe 50 last night for 15$ more per month. Time to get back on torrents.
Enjoy the throttling
We can't let the market fully control internet because that will be the end of the internet as we know it. Think of it as hydro-quebec making TV and dishwasher and charging more to power product from other brand. We need government to ensure net neutrality.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
We can't let the market fully control internet because that will be the end of the internet as we know it. Think of it as hydro-quebec making TV and dishwasher and charging more to power product from other brand. We need government to ensure net neutrality.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Not exactly the same since HQ is a monopoly by law, not telecoms.

I'm not totally for unlimited data because it has an environmental cost to stream all the time, since many servers aren't powered by green energy. So my rule would be something like unlimited data only from green energy servers, which would also protect our market since Quebec has Hydro power.
Not exactly the same since HQ is a monopoly by law, not telecoms.

I'm not totally for unlimited data because it has an environmental cost to stream all the time, since many servers aren't powered by green energy. So my rule would be something like unlimited data only from green energy servers, which would also protect our market since Quebec has Hydro power.
Holy shit, I've never heard someone making this argument against unlimited data...You gotta be kidding right ?

Also my example would probably still make sense in market with multiple energy provider...X provider has an agreement with Samsung to power their TV for cheaper etc..Nobody want that.

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