Terrorist attack in Edmonton

Ahhhh tbk...encore?

Un autre aujourdhui.

Two passengers are killed as attacker shouting 'Allahu Akbar' slits a woman's throat France
Knifeman is arrested on Oxford Street London in front of horrified shoppers

Attacker stabbed two female passengers at Gare de Marseille-Saint-Charles
He was shot dead by the French army who swarmed the area this afternoon
Reports claim he was heard shouting 'Allahu Akbar' before stabbing passengers
Both victims were women, one of whom was left 'with a sliced neck'


Haven't you guys heard? The case is no longer being treated as "terrorism."

I suppose it will make Trudeau's statistics for terrorism in Canadian soil look better come the end of his term (and if the Conservatives can find a decent leader - of his political career.)
Haven't you guys heard? The case is no longer being treated as "terrorism."

I suppose it will make Trudeau's statistics for terrorism in Canadian soil look better come the end of his term (and if the Conservatives can find a decent leader - of his political career.)

This is the real reason why: https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/quebec-city-and-edmonton-attacks-why-its-difficult-to-lay-terrorism-charges-in-canada/article36479538

What is so difficult about prosecuting for terrorism?

It's more complicated than a "garden-variety" Criminal Code offence, a source close to the Public Prosecution Service said. "Terrorism offences have only been in effect since 2001. We've had murder for 500 years. You have to prove someone's motivation and, generally, motive is irrelevant in criminal court." One question that could arise is whether Canada's civilian spy agency, CSIS, would have to disclose its information to the accused. And at a time when delay is a big concern, the extra time could take away from other important cases, the source said.

What about the Edmonton van incident last weekend, which looked straight out of the Islamic State playbook? And wasn't an IS flag found in the van?

The RCMP says it is still investigating, and if it finds that more charges are warranted, it will file them. So far, it has filed 11 charges against Abdulahi Hasan Sharif, a 30-year-old Somali refugee: five counts of attempted murder, five of dangerous driving causing bodily harm and one weapons offence.

What is lost by not filing terrorism charges?

Symbolic value. "Given the high penalties for attempted murder or murder, the debate is largely symbolic but symbols matter," Prof. Roach said. "We need to be even-handed with the terrorism label and not associate it with any particular religious or political grouping."

Below is what got me:

What is lost by not filing terrorism charges?

Symbolic value. "Given the high penalties for attempted murder or murder, the debate is largely symbolic but symbols matter," Prof. Roach said. "We need to be even-handed with the terrorism label and not associate it with any particular religious or political grouping."

What if the religious or political grouping warrants being associated with terrorism?

FLQ for example, or IRA, or ISIS. WTF Prof.Roach, literally what the fuck?
come on, anyone can figure this out.
terrorists tend to come from a specific group of people. if you call too many terrorists by their name, that group of people will be offended, and the government will have to retract the statement. in many articles names and origins are left out for this purpose alone.

this is what happens when a government is afraid of comments on facebook more than of its actual voters/taxpayers. on top of it, anyone that says anything slightly against uncontrolled immigration and takes facts into consideration is considered an alt-right white supremacist.
come on, anyone can figure this out.
terrorists tend to come from a specific group of people. if you call too many terrorists by their name, that group of people will be offended, and the government will have to retract the statement. in many articles names and origins are left out for this purpose alone.

this is what happens when a government is afraid of comments on facebook more than of its actual voters/taxpayers. on top of it, anyone that says anything slightly against uncontrolled immigration and takes facts into consideration is considered an alt-right white supremacist.
The Quebec mosque shooter is also not being accused of terrorism.
Those terrorism laws are badly written, post 9/11 knee-jerk reactions. The Crown's prosecuter probably understand that adding terrorism as a charge risk under mining the whole judicial process. It does also play in favor of the idea of not creating a panic or padding numbers in term of terrorism acts. Win-Win for the Liberal government...

Ici on va essayer de donner une définition au mot terroriste.
Parce que de nos jours il y a des attaques à toute les semaines et quand c’est tranquille au mois.

Même ici au plus meilleur pays au monde le Canada.
Edmonton a reçu une attaque terroriste.

En général un terroriste est une personne qui veut troubler la paix en attaquant des opposants à sa cause ou des innocents. Faire le plus de dommage possible.

Le problème quand un tueur attaque une foule innocente sans motif clair (comme a Vegas)

Il n’a pas de cause ou de faction pour justifier ses actes de violence extrême.

Le résultat est le même dans les deux cas. La paix est troublée. Le monde à peur pour leur sécurité. De nouvelles lois de sécurité sont appliquées.
La paix vient de monter en valeur.

Si le résultat est le même pour quoi ne pas les jugé tous comme terroristes.

Moi je dis la source du problème est plus important que la conséquence.
Il faut traiter chaque cas comme un cas unique pour mieux le comprendre.

De nos jours, beaucoup de personnes mélangent tout. Aussi il prend un élément qui fonctionne le mieux a la narrative de leur agenda et focus que sur cet élément.

Exemple des groupes anti blanc. Va utiliser les images des tireurs de masse de race blanche pour supporter leur agenda raciste. Comparé aux attaques terroristes islamiques. Comme quoi ils sont moins dangereux.

C’est exemple stupide, mais je lis ce genre de commentaire souvent sur les médias sociaux.

Ici, le monde mélange race et religions.

Dans un des cas attaque la motivation est la religion.
Et dans l’autre, le motif est beaucoup plus personnel.

On ne peut pas comparer une attaque motivée par un groupe ou une faction.
Comme Islam.
Une attaque organisée par un individu.

Parce que la solution pour prévenir ces genres attaque est différente.

C’est quoi un térroriste?
The Quebec mosque shooter is also not being accused of terrorism.

and that is just as wrong. if too many of that group get involved in that type of actions, the stereotype will be created whether they want it or not, and they will be called terrorists whether the government wants it or not.
and that is just as wrong. if too many of that group get involved in that type of actions, the stereotype will be created whether they want it or not, and they will be called terrorists whether the government wants it or not.

"One man's terrorist, is another's freedom fighter"

Est-ce que c'est vraiment nécessaire d'alimenter le show des nouvelles plus que nécessaire? Est-ce que c'est aussi une bonne idée de leur donner la satisfaction de recevoir la médaille d'honneur/consécration officielle qu'est le mot "terroriste" pour certain.

Moi je suis d'avis qu'on doit foutre ce monde là au trou le plus rapidement possible, le plus longtemps possible et SURTOUT pas en faire des martyrs, sinon ça donne des idées aux autres.
Ostie que tu essayes trop Kossak...

Sauf qu'il n'a pas entierement tort le Kossak.

Ou est-ce qu'on tire la ligne du terrorisme vs le hate-crime vs le tireur fou vs on sait pas quoi encore?

Le terrorisme par definition est "organise" ou du moins est une reponse a un appel a la violence comme par exemple quand l'Imam Supreme de ISIS passe sur LiveLeak a inciter "tous les Musulmans du monde entier a ecrabouiller les infideles."

Le hate-crime c'est plus comme le cas de Quebec. Le gars hait les Musulmans au point de se lever la nuit pour les hair et a un moment donne il saute une coche et decide d'aller en tirer quelques uns.

Le cas de Las Vegas semble pointer vers un tireur fou pour l'instant. Un tireur fou extremement bien prepare avec des armes automatiques de longue portee et un point de tir sureleve avec vue sur la foule. Sauf que pour l'instant on sait pas grand chose a part que sa femme etait une Australienne d'origine Philippine et qu'elle etait dans son pays (aucune idee lequel des deux...) pis que le FBI l'a rencontree ce matin.

Pourquoi il a tire dans le tas? Fouillez moi.

-Haine contre le monde "at large?"
-Folie meutriere?
-Aime vraiment pas la musique Country?
-Piton preprogramme comme dans Naked Gun?

Sais pas et on le saura probablement jamais.