How would you have reacted?

Aikido you mean bullshito ?

It depends the situation , the opponent , the gravity of the attack...a single finger can throw you into submission very fast.
Aikido philosophy is to refuse the fight not to prove you are the ultimate fighter , nothing to prove to anybody.
In my experience the big mouths that flex are not the ones you need to worry about. The dude you physically bump into on the metro that doesn't say shit but follows you home is the one you have to fear.
In my experience the big mouths that flex are not the ones you need to worry about. The dude you physically bump into on the metro that doesn't say shit but follows you home is the one you have to fear.

Yeah but this guy could be a sick war veteran from the Vietnam or Korean war era... this is far from being unheard of. Remember the one who vandalized a Mitsubishi Evo because Mitsubishi was the maker of the Zero WW2 airplane and other Japaneses war machines?
Yeah but this guy could be a sick war veteran from the Vietnam or Korean war era... this is far from being unheard of. Remember the one who vandalized a Mitsubishi Evo because Mitsubishi was the maker of the Zero WW2 airplane and other Japaneses war machines?

Dans un mall de centre d'achats , où on montrait des Mitshubishi , j'ai entendu un monsieur qui disait qu'il achèterait jamais cette marque because WW2 .

Quand on sait que Bayer/IG farben fabriquait le gaz pour les nazis ...ya pas de fin si on veut déterrer le passé.
it's clear what you're supposed to do in these situations. take out your phone and film it, but always leave out the beginning so that people can make you famous by causing an outrage based on part of the story without context. ideally some riots come out of it, but here he was Asian and I haven't heard of ALM yet.

I like how the vid says it's unclear what sparked it. you filmed it. you were there, and you don't know? then why are you filming it? you don't know what you're looking at. judging by the way the people look, the old guy seems to be nuts. but who knows, maybe the Asian said something earlier. maybe the old guy started it out of thin air. we'll never know. but we'll definitely judge without knowing, and that's always good because that's how all great things come to exist.
Lol c’est fou comment on peut trouver la crème de notre société dans un metro lol. Le gars était clairement sur quelque chose, je l’aurais ignoré il aurait fini par partir.

J’ai déjà pogné un méchant cosanguin dans le métro, j’étais assis tranquille et je le regardais aller, il avait des cup de lait pour le café, il en pitchait un à terre, regardait la réaction du monde autour, et BOOM il sautait dessus pour que le cup éclate sur tout le monde.

Je le voyais faire au bout du métro en s’approchant de plus en plus de moi, il pitchait son cup et l’éclatait et personne disait rien j’en revenais pas lol, moi je dis rien parce qu’il n’est pas encore rendu à moi mais je commences déjà à penser à ce que je vais lui faire s’il me le fait lol

Arrive à côté de moi, je suis tout habillé propre en plus (job), il pitch son cup de lait juste à côté de moi, il me regarde dans les yeux avec sa face de creep, je me décolle de mon banc et me mets en position du gars prêt à y crisser une gauche aussitot que son pied lève lol, et je lui dis « Essaye toi voir » toujours en le fixant.

Il ma fixé pendant un bon 5 secondes ultra awkward, et il est parti d’où il revenait lol. Les gens autour ont fait un petit smile subtile c’était quand même drôle lol
Who knows?

Asian people are known to be smartass,maybe he said something too the old guy before filming.
it's clear what you're supposed to do in these situations. take out your phone and film it, but always leave out the beginning so that people can make you famous by causing an outrage based on part of the story without context. ideally some riots come out of it, but here he was Asian and I haven't heard of ALM yet.

I like how the vid says it's unclear what sparked it. you filmed it. you were there, and you don't know? then why are you filming it? you don't know what you're looking at. judging by the way the people look, the old guy seems to be nuts. but who knows, maybe the Asian said something earlier. maybe the old guy started it out of thin air. we'll never know. but we'll definitely judge without knowing, and that's always good because that's how all great things come to exist.

Like you know when exactly shit going to start? So you take out your phone before to film the beginning? That doesn't make sense.
Shit already started then people take out their phone to film it, I don't remember seeing a video like this WITH the beginning.

The channel is a generic News channel, so pretty sure it's not their video. They took it from the interweb and comment on top of it.
This is why they don't know the story behind this fight.
J'ai déjà pogner un gars dans le métro a gorge en y écrassant le nez avec mon poing, genre de douchebag b.s qui avait poussé ma fille en marchant comme un warrior. Il m'aurait pousser moi, m'en serait crisser mais la pas savoir vivre de meme criss. Tout est filmer dans le métro... ya décalissé pis ca arrêter la, les gens cherchent la confrontation parce que 99% du monde l'évite, ca leurs donne un sentiment d'etre hot parce que personne veut se pogner avec eux, mais dans le fond ca rien a voir avec ca, les gens l'évite that it.
J'ai déjà pogner un gars dans le métro a gorge en y écrassant le nez avec mon poing, genre de douchebag b.s qui avait poussé ma fille en marchant comme un warrior. Il m'aurait pousser moi, m'en serait crisser mais la pas savoir vivre de meme criss. Tout est filmer dans le métro... ya décalissé pis ca arrêter la, les gens cherchent la confrontation parce que 99% du monde l'évite, ca leurs donne un sentiment d'etre hot parce que personne veut se pogner avec eux, mais dans le fond ca rien a voir avec ca, les gens l'évite that it.

En gros ta croisé un gars massif et imposant

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