Someone used me as a reference for a loan


Well-known member
To make a long story short. I just got a call from a collection agency asking about a friend I lost contact with a few years ago when they moved to BC. This friend struggled with addiction for years, I'm sure it went on in BC as well. Apparently he used me as a reference for one of those scammy cash loan places and then disappeared.

I'm probably overreacting but I worked my ass off to get a good credit rating and don't want any stupid shit to affect that. So I have anything to worry about? I called back the agency and they didn't seem to care about my story

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If you never gave your consent to be used as a reference tell them to go fuck themselves

Collection agencies are the worst crooks on the planet. They don't deserve any respect from you.
To make a long story short. I just got a call from a collection agency asking about a friend I lost contact with a few years ago when they moved to BC. This friend struggled with addiction for years, I'm sure it went on in BC as well. Apparently he used me as a reference for one of those scammy cash loan places and then disappeared.

I'm probably overreacting but I worked my ass off to get a good credit rating and don't want any stupid shit to affect that. So I have anything to worry about? I called back the agency and they didn't seem to care about my story

Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
I'm sorry bro, thanks for covering me though.

Envoyé de mon SM-N950W en utilisant Tapatalk
Tu es seulement une référence, tu n’es pas co-signataire ou co-acheteur. Ton crédit ne sera pas affecté
do they have DOB, SIN on you?
if not, they might as well have gotten your number from the phone book.
It's true I'm just overreacting. I just got a little freaked out when I called back the number and found out it was a collection agency. If they call back I'll tell them to fuck off. I don't want anything to do with that stuff

Sent from my SM-G955W using Tapatalk
yeah I dont see this affecting anything at obviously didnt consent to anything. these agencies are all scumbags.

Funny story a few years back there was an agency that started calling at my house to collect a 129$ balance for a unpaid Fido Bill under my fathers name...this went on for over a year easily. we found out there were 2 or 3 other people with the same name as him in the Montreal area...they just go after anyone untill they get paid.
Prochaine fois qu'il appel tu leur dit que tu n'a aucune lien avec ca et que tu demande a ne plus etre appeler. il y a une lois qui les oblige a respecter ca
est-ce que la dette a plus de 3 ans? Si oui, ils ont dépassé leur délais de prescription, ne reconnait pas la dette sinon le délais retombe a 0.

Si plus de 3 ans, invite le créancier a lire l'article 2925 du code civil sans quoi ils vont se mériter une plainte a l'office de protection du consommateur ils devraient te laissé tranquille.

2925. L’action qui tend à faire valoir un droit personnel ou un droit réel mobilier et dont le délai de prescription n’est pas autrement fixé se prescrit par trois ans.
Appelle Equifax right fucking now et fais vérifier ton dossier et confirme tes créances en cours.

D'un gars qui s'est fait voler son identité sans même avoir eu de chum verreux dans son entourage.

*Edit: j'avais 15 000$ à mon nom dans d'autres banques / Canadian tire etc. J'ai été CHANCEUX quand ils ont fait une demande chez mon créancier pour ma voiture, c'est de cette façon que j'ai pu avoir une lettre enregistrée chez mon employeur, la seule information encore véridique dans mon dossier. Les autres créanciers ne pouvaient me rejoindre puisque les adresses et no de téléphone avaient été changés.
Je conseil toujours au monde de verifier leur dossier une fois par annee...en plus que c'est gratuit. Ca m'a permis d'enlever une tache qui etait la par erreur et dont je netais meme pas au courant! Le tout a ete corrigé rapidement et j'ai redemander une autre copie du dossier et c'etait clean.