Shootings in T.O. and no one cares.

They need APCs patrolling in Chicago to calm the shootings down

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Posse Comitatus Act says it won't happen. The army can't operate domestically as law enforcement.

The police can buy surplus APCs from the military and get shit on for "the militarization of the police"
Meanwhile in Baltimore

Seven shootings reported this weekend in Baltimore amid ceasefire call

There was a shooting on Saturday at 2:30 AM downstairs behind my building, right beside the police station. It didn't even make the news. I heard it, there were two series of 5-6 gunshots then a lot of screaming and sirens.

Citizen App - Searched for Armed Shooting Suspect (Downtown, Baltimore)
F*** them west coast niggas. 'Cuz in B-more, we aim to hit a nigga, ya heard
Meanwhile South Afriiiiiiiiica

Les tanks léger patrouille dans les rues avec les soldats ! vive la fin de L'apartheid !

C'est normal.

Tu as opprimé un peuple pendant des générations. Pendant des générations, tu as maintenu le plus possible les individus dans l'ignorance et la pauvreté. Du jour au lendemain, tu leur redonne une liberté. La marde va pogner c'est clair.

Ça a fait ça aux USA, ça fait ça en Afrique du Sud.

Ça va prendre encore plusieurs générations avant que ça devienne un tant soit peu vivable.