World War 3 Mega Thread

They're saving face..

Iran is notorious for lying about their military exploits on state run tv, often with comically impossible claims.

And so are the Americans... The images shown on Iraki/International TV channels of the American milliary bases hit showed so many burning fires and/or missile impacts that the idea that no one was killed is comical in itself.

The images @1:20 are what was shown in back ground of the aftermath on Live TV channels (the rest of the video is probably in big part random clip from some other events).
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And so are the Americans... The images shown on Iraki/International TV channels of the American milliary bases hit showed so many burning fires and/or missile impacts that the idea that no one was killed is comical in itself.

The images @1:20 are what was shown in back ground of the aftermath on Live TV channels (the rest of the video is probably in big part random clip from some other events).

If you're right, I have a few questions:

I would be interested to know how "Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting" had such detailed videos from inside american military bases just hours after the attack, were they hiding on the base?

I'd like to know as well why it's comical that no one was killed, were there dead soldiers on camera, do you as a viewer know where they were positioned? How about which buildings were occupied and which were not?

I haven't seen any videos like the videos you're describing, can you post them?
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There are other pictures that better show what looks like shrapnel punctures with the edges turned towards the inside.

Edit: I'll await for some clever online people to map the location of those fuselage parts that show traces of "shrapnel" and confirm that the puncture location match an hypothetical exterior missile explosion. This was all done years before the final Dutch report on MH-117 confirming the missile strike.
Maybe i dont know,but how the fuck in 2020 we still dont know what happened exactly with the plane after 4min leaving the airport?

Everything is hiden now,but it got shot for sure

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I think the Iranians planned their strikes for maximum PR significance / minimum chances of loss of life (to iraqi and foreign military forces) The structures that were hit (and likely targeted) on the base were not the ones in which you would expect personnel to be in. If they were out for blood, they would have targeted the barracks / living quarters or other locations altogether.

It's a bold enough move considering the margin for error isn't all that wide. It lets them save face and play videos of missiles in flight saying "we did it, we fought back and punished the Americans for their insolence"

Trump also gets to claim that he was the "bigger man" and didn't overreact IRL (as opposed to his bravado on twitter.)

All in all, it's a "win" for in different capacities for both sides. That makes it a win for the world at large as well.

It's fair to say the U.S military / intelligence has a good idea of what's happened to that plane. They'll likely stay silent rather than expose their technical capabilities / risk their human assets.

The U.S navy was dumb enough to confuse an airbus with an active transponder for an f-14. Seeing as they've "been there, done that" I don't think they'll push the issue too far.
I think the Iranians planned their strikes for maximum PR significance / minimum chances of loss of life (to iraqi and foreign military forces) The structures that were hit (and likely targeted) on the base were not the ones in which you would expect personnel to be in. If they were out for blood, they would have targeted the barracks / living quarters or other locations altogether.

It's a bold enough move considering the margin for error isn't all that wide. It lets them save face and play videos of missiles in flight saying "we did it, we fought back and punished the Americans for their insolence"

Trump also gets to claim that he was the "bigger man" and didn't overreact IRL (as opposed to his bravado on twitter.)

All in all, it's a "win" for in different capacities for both sides. That makes it a win for the world at large as well.

It's fair to say the U.S military / intelligence has a good idea of what's happened to that plane. They'll likely stay silent rather than expose their technical capabilities / risk their human assets.

100% the most likely explanation

Maybe i dont know,but how the fuck in 2020 we still dont know what happened exactly with the plane after 4min leaving the airport?

Everything is hiden now,but it got shot for sure

Отправлено с моего CLT-L04 через Tapatalk

It was shot down hours after their missile launch, they were on high alert for an american retaliation,

They probably shot it by accident and are trying to cover it up.
Those missile strikes are the same type of posturing the US did when they launched hundreds of cruise missiles at Syria and they warned the Russians in advance to avoid killing any of their military personnel.
100% the most likely explanation

It was shot down hours after their missile launch, they were on high alert for an american retaliation,

They probably shot it by accident and are trying to cover it up.

It's such a huge fuck up you got to wonder what really happened. Is it really the target they wished to engage? You'd think they would track the it for a few seconds before shooting it down. Perhaps there's even a flowchart of sorts. I mean they're a professional military, not some randos with fancy foreign gear.

Step 1: Does it have a transponder?
-Yes, and squawking on civvy frequencies. Phew. Probably not a threat. Keep tracking it just in case.
-No. That sucks. Go to step 2

Step 2: Is target Inbound or Outbound?
-Outbound? Praise Allah! But keep monitoring.
-Inbound? Oh shit, go to step 3


Step 15
Fuck it. This is confusing. Fuck it up and blame everybody else.
It's such a huge fuck up you got to wonder what really happened. Is it really the target they wished to engage? You'd think they would track the it for a few seconds before shooting it down. Perhaps there's even a flowchart of sorts

Step 1: Does it have a transponder?
-Yes, and squawking on civvy frequencies. Phew. Probably not a threat. Keep tracking it just in case.
-No. That sucks. Go to step 2

Step 2: Is target Inbound or Outbound?
-Outbound? Praise Allah! But keep monitoring.
-Inbound? Oh shit, go to step 3


Step 15
Fuck it. This is confusing. Fuck it up and blame everybody else.


Is there a pilot on MR who can explain (in theory) how this could have happened?
Step 0.

Who were the passengers on that plane?
Which of them were working for Foreign Intelligence or were involved in Special OPs or had access to Special Technology?
Which of them was politically involved or economically in something huge?
Did one of them plan an escape and got shot down at the cost of 175 others?
Where many on the plane targeted?
Will we ever know exactly who was on that plane and have access to the entire list of passengers.

If any of this is true...

Then Iran waited for the attention of the entire world...

To shoot down a foreign airliner containing 175 civilians and 1(spy?)....

Over their capital city...

Hours after attacking 2 american bases..

If there was a spy on that plane there must be ATLEAST 175 better ways to do this.
You got it wrong.

Who were the passengers on that plane?
Which of them were working for Foreign Intelligence or for were involved in Special OPs or had access to Special Technology?
Which of them was politically involved or economically in something huge?
Did one of them plan an escape and got shot down at the cost of 175 others?
Where many on the plane targeted?
Will we ever know exactly who was on that plane and have access to the entire list of passengers.

Sure, killing people can be a win. Worth the embarrassment for the Regime given the circumstances? No other ways to make them disappear? Donny brought up the 1979 Hostage Crisis. Now Iran can't exactly play the "but USS Vincennes incident" card...

Even if Russia did it somehow (got to say the plane being bound for Ukraine is one interesting coincidence...) what do they have to gain? They're trying to increase ties with Iran and sell them S400s. I guess if they're less "error prone", that's already a bit of an argument in favour.
Kill Spy (Asset, whatever) + Instigate War + Force America to stay involved by killing Canadians

Win-Win-Win for:

That is interesting,

So in this scenario Russia has a spies with some serious decision making powers in Iran. I would assume firing a missile like that requires a group of people, and is followed with an internal investigation...

Maybe it was the Israelis trying to push their allies to strangle Iran with more sanctions, that would make more sense to me.
Funny how Vlad is always winning nowadays. He's got Dj Khaled looking like an amateur.

I ran probably uses Russian Tech.
Russians hackers could have pressed the Fire Button.

Yes, they have Russian AA tech (S-300s) You'd have to be some sort of moron to hook them up on that innocuous looking "Free WIFI" network that just popped up. Wouldn't you want some of these systems air gapped?
Iran uses (mostly obsolete) Russian Military Technology.
Russians hackers could have pressed the Fire Button.

My money is on the Israelis being responsible for this somehow, they would seem to benefit more than the russians.

In this unlikely conspiracy scenario..
Conspiracy theories are very popular now since the disappearance of MH370.

Iran shot the plane accidentally because :
A) they are dumb fucks
B) they were on high alert
C) they are dumb fucks who were on high alert
Sure, killing people can be a win. Worth the embarrassment for the Regime given the circumstances? No other ways to make them disappear? Donny brought up the 1979 Hostage Crisis. Now Iran can't exactly play the "but USS Vincennes incident" card...

Even if Russia did it somehow (got to say the plane being bound for Ukraine is one interesting coincidence...) what do they have to gain? They're trying to increase ties with Iran and sell them S400s. I guess if they're less "error prone", that's already a bit of an argument in favour.
You are forgetting that tensions then were even higher. Iraq had attacked the USS Stark, USS Sam B Roberts hit and Iranian mine and USA/Iran were exchanging fire almost daily.

There are a couple good books on the subjects. One writer suggested the USA was always trying to bait in Iran into flying their F-14s out... This way the USA would shoot them down. Think about it you sold a front line fighter/interceptor with a powerful radar system/weapons platform ton friend that is now a foe...