New game, Fell off or stolen?


Legacy Member
I thought it simply fell off, but when you look, none of the clips are broken,
traced my steps and can find shit....

Some pêople are convince it was probably stolen
Very specific if ever it would be a thief

An acquaintance also had pieces of trim stolen on her Audi.
Seems like they're expensive and hard to find.

In her case i was obvious as both side were missing and the some more on the grill...

We live in a world where everything need to be locked to avoid getting stolen.... and then they still manage.
An acquaintance also had pieces of trim stolen on her Audi.
Seems like they're expensive and hard to find.

In her case i was obvious as both side were missing and the some more on the grill...

We live in a world where everything need to be locked to avoid getting stolen.... and then they still manage.

hmmm danm , i was hoping it wasn't the case, merci
An acquaintance also had pieces of trim stolen on her Audi.
Seems like they're expensive and hard to find.

In her case i was obvious as both side were missing and the some more on the grill...

We live in a world where everything need to be locked to avoid getting stolen.... and then they still manage.

damn thats good to know
yavais un gars qui s'était fait voler la porte passagé au complet sur son veloster so I would stay stolen
yavais un gars qui s'était fait voler la porte passagé au complet sur son veloster so I would stay stolen

L'an dernier l'oncle de ma blonde me racontait qu'il c'est fait voler le hatch de son rav4 lol.

Même les assurances en trouvait pas, ça a pris genre 6 semaines avant qu'ils reussisseà lui trouver un nouveau hatch!
Des fois c'est l'oeuvre d'un banc de neige mais dans ce cas ci je vote stolen.

Mon ami c'est fait voler son catalyseur sur son Xterra samedi soir.
les grilles de audi sont assez rough à enlever, ce n'est pas avec un nid de poule. Meme dla drift dans un banc de neige , faut que ca fesse pour ca tombe.

Une de mes amies s'est fait voler son hood de jetta mk3 dans le parking du ferview. Ca c'était du nimporte quoi. Ca ne l'a pas empêché de retourné chez elle. ca doit faire 10-15 ans, juste quand les mk3 comencait a se faire rare et rouiller as hell.
just assume it fell off, you'll live with the anger that some asshole stole it. not worth it imo
just assume it fell off, you'll live with the anger that some asshole stole it. not worth it imo

live with anger and knowing there's a low chance of recidivism or live with the fear that will fall off again. same same but different.

But I like your positivism