Honking at a green light.

I don't honk I get out of my car with my baseball bat and knock him down... Bitch next time you will pay attention when you are driving
Past 1 second of solid green, you're clearly distracted if your brake lights are still on. You will get the horn from me, no question. Think of how self-centered you are by making everyone else waiting at the intersection for your distracted senses to come back to life and realize you're supposed to be driving.

It's the reason why driving in the city is so damn slow and inefficient.

This is Montreal. If after 1 second of the light being green, you haven't started moving, you're getting honked at. If you're the first car at the intersection, you should be looking at the lights and oncoming traffic as if you were staged for a drag race. You don't need to take off like a mad-man, but you best be ready to go when it turns green.

God I couldn't agree more.
Why we dont have yellow before green is beyond me. It would speed up traffic
But yes I love when people yell call the police.. No injuries ? Yea theyll be right along in 45 mins. Get a dashcam, problem solved. I had a dashcam save me much aggravation with my insurance company
So true about New York City, like literally the instant the light turns green you'll get honked at by a cab driver, happened to me. Same thing in Boston too, I just laugh when they do that.
So true about New York City, like literally the instant the light turns green you'll get honked at by a cab driver, happened to me. Same thing in Boston too, I just laugh when they do that.

Next time, just move forward faster instead.
I give people the benefit of a doubt but after a reasonable delay yup I do honk cuz I got places to go
Oh and for that incident, you should have had a dashcam ;) everything recorded!
Same i also give a delay then give a little bump on my horn. Some people abuse it and hold the horn or others don't give a delay and honk as soon as it goes green.
aaah la vie des gens stressé de montréal !

Je dois avouer qu'avant d'habiter à Montréal, j'étais un conducteur beaucoup plus patient et tolérent. Mais losqu'on se trouve à faire face à des délais ridicules pour traverser des distances plutôt insignifiantes, et qu'on obserbe comment la négligence des gens contibuent à 80% des ralentissements, la patience et la tolérence disparaissent rapidement.

Entuca, je n'habite ici que pour une autre année ou deux max.
I honk at everybody sleeping at the light, including police van this week. I also honk people leaving the line on idle and take two blocks to accelerate to 30 on a main street with nobody front of them, wtf is wrong with those people!?

I honk after 3 full seconds. People should just wake the fuck up, they wouldn't last 2 seconds in NYC.

I treat every red light like it's a drag strip, except without flooring it and speeding obviously. If I'm the one at the front of the line at an intersection, 99% of the time I'm taking off sooner than everyone else because once that shit is green I'm guaranteed to be gone in less than 0.5 seconds. When I'm at a red light and in neutral, I'll put it into gear once I see the other light turning yellow, that way I'm ready to go without wasting even a second. This sounds arrogant but everyone should be like me at red lights, that way nobody would ever get honked at or miss their lights because of that one cock sucker on his/her cell phone at the front of the line.
Justement tantot a Vaudreuil j'ai vu un motocycliste envoyer chier un gars qui lui a klaxonne LEGEREMENT, la moto jasait avec une autre moto a cote de lui pis la lumiere a change, assez que les autres voitures en avant des motos etaient deja de l'autre cote de l'intersection pis les motos avaient pas bouge.

C'est bizarre que les cas d'accelleration soudaine et pedale pris dans le tapis augmentent pas dans ces cas la...
Surtout quand ils sont sur leurs t@b@#&^% de cellulaire ! Je fais quasiment sauter la fuse du klaxon :p !
TLDR: Do you honk when a light turns green (after a reasonable delay)?

Long story: I was behind a car at a traffic light. Traffic was intense, as it always is on lower Atwater ave. The light turns green, 3-4 seconds go by. The driver in front of me was clearly looking at his lap and not paying attention (cellphone?), so I gave the lightest possible tap of my horn to alert the driver it was time to goooooo.

HE RAGED. He gives me the finger, we start driving. I don't care, it's a beautiful day, I'm calm. Granted we just left a light, I'm 5-10ft behind. He then slams his brakes once. I couldn't react fast enough and tapped his bumper. Then he fully locks up his brakes and that's when there was a solid connect. Luckily, no damage.

A 65 year old man then get's out of his car yelling and screaming at his wife "CALL THE POLICE, CALL THE POLICE". Then he starts yelling at me. I was omega calm and talked him out of his rage.

To me I did him a favour by letting him know the light was green. Clearly, he doesn't think so.

Thinking back, I should've let the police come. With the witness at the intersection, I'm fairly confident he would've gotten the ticket. But, I had better things to do.

So, honk or no? In NY everyone honks. Even the person at the front of the intersection honks. But they do it after .0000001 seconds, which isn't reasonable.

TECHNICALLY in Quebec, a cop can give you a ticket if you honk at the guy sleeping at the light as crazy as it sounds.. It should be allowed to HONK at them and a rule should be made you can also call them an A-Hole..
I honk after 3 full seconds. People should just wake the fuck up, they wouldn't last 2 seconds in NYC.

I treat every red light like it's a drag strip, except without flooring it and speeding obviously. If I'm the one at the front of the line at an intersection, 99% of the time I'm taking off sooner than everyone else because once that shit is green I'm guaranteed to be gone in less than 0.5 seconds. When I'm at a red light and in neutral, I'll put it into gear once I see the other light turning yellow, that way I'm ready to go without wasting even a second. This sounds arrogant but everyone should be like me at red lights, that way nobody would ever get honked at or miss their lights because of that one cock sucker on his/her cell phone at the front of the line.

I spend so little time in the city that when I actually do this I just get fucked because there's thirteen other greens before yours. Montreal should start with right on a red. Would help a lot too
Green light stoners.... Definitely hate those.. Sold my car with a hella twin air horn in it. Will have to buy another one

It was well worth it.