Photoshoot: 2012 Dodge Charger SRT8 Super Bee

Charger = 4 portes

Mustang = 2 portes

Un Charger c'est parfait pour le père de famille qui doit amener sa femme au centre d'achat et ses deux enfants au soccer. C'est sur que le best c'est d'avoir les deux :D

Je vais au soccer 3-4 semaines avec mon gars!
4 portes et grosse valise sont ben pratique!
470HP et 470 lbs stock sont suffisant
Ca brake, tire et tourne comme un chef!
Pas toujours besoin d'avoir 600hp et supercharger etc...(ben dans nos têtes oui) mais hônnetement une mustang il en les aimes et j'en ai eu 3 et j'ai une 92 dans ma cours....mais le Charger a 4 portes...soo???? automatique....??? have you driven one??? would be surprised!
Les paddle sur le volet ou par le bras de vitesse....sont efficaces et rapide....

La qualitée d'assemblage est meilleur et les pièces aussi.

Mais le monde ont de la misère a comparé un 2 portes a un 4....

comparé la Camaro / Challenger et Mustang ensemble dans la même catégorie.
This thread is full of lawls with all the "missing pedal" and "makes no sense to buy this when you can get a Mustang" comments.
il parle de la voiture, pas de toi en particulier.

I wasn't trying to make you feel bad or offend you personally and I'm sorry if I did, it's great that you're having fun with a car that you love. Doesn't matter what I say if I don't like it anyway, all that matters is you're happy with your ride.
6.4L putting out that kind of power in yet another bulky/uninteresting Dodge. This thing weighs like 4500 pounds and looks like it was fixed up by some guy having a midlife crisis.

For about 10k LESS you get a 5.0 Mustang GT with a 6 speed (new), and then you buy this:
Even without the supercharger/other mods, you'll still be quicker and about 1k pounds lighter. I just thought I'd throw that in for added hilarity

Why did your dad buy an SL when he could of bought about 3 convertible Mustang GTs?
I just think all cars owned by different individuals are a personal choice to each. I have seen and test driven the Genesis R, Mustang GT's and EVO's and could have picked any of them in a 50K range.
But, when I test drove the Super Bee we were 4 in the car and the salesman told me to floor it at a stop sign, my god, the car never moved and spun like a monster. After I put in 2nd gear and I never sank
in my seat like that in my life and I have owned quite a few muscle cars in the past. I tried the Stang GT and never got that feeling even if I still love the Stang but the Super Bee got my heart pounding and at 50K
I believe that's important.

In the end, all I mind is a comment that is negative, My dad always told me "If you do not have anything positive to say then just don't say anything !"

Enjoy your cars and personal mods or choices, that is all that matters : )

Thanks for bringing back a thrad from 2011, newb...

J'embarque pas vraiment dans la catégorie du monde qui trippe sur le '' vieu '' neuf, mais j'ai que du respect quand même pour c'est bagnole la !