News: 2015 Dodge Charger: Here's Your New Cop Headlight Pattern To Memorize

Perso je trouve le redux tres reussi... Le devant ressemble a la dart cest vrai, mais le design de la dart est pas horrible non plus... Pis les tweaks au derriere sont vraiment bien; ca vient corriger visueelement ce que je naimais pas de la generation courante.
looks good but personally I wouldn't buy it, just like 95% of American cars being produced.
This profile would be insane if it was a shorter, 2 door car:


le projet Barracuda sera exactement ca, un 2 portes RWD plus court mais de type Sedan pour etre different du Challenger qui est classe coupe, il devrait reprendre le nom d Avenger selon allpar
avec possibilite d'avoir le Hellcat , le prochain Hemi supercharged de 6.2L , 650-680 Hp
ceux qui trouve la dart laide et la charger belle, vous avez un sérieux problème. Elles snt tellement semblables, c'est fort la psychologie des noms desfois.

LEs 2 sont super belles selon moi, sauf que la dart c'Est une mécanique de tondeuse. it just ..........yeah I agree that it looks like a bigger dart and nothing significant except the outside changed?. :(
Wow that actually looks fantastic, hope they plan on making a two door version.
Not that i would get one.
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It looks better than a Dart exactly because it's bigger.

The dart wants to look big, the charger IS big. So with the same design idea in mind, the carger naturally looks right at home in these lines.

À part le challenger tous les modèles "retro" de Dodge sont des fails anyway.

Le Dart...looks nothing like an old dart, the Charger even when it came back I think 15 years ago looked nothing like an old charger so meh.......

....but, regardless of the name, that's a fucking badass barge IMO. They nailed it.