+ 75 Milliards d'endettements PRIVÉ chez les Canadiens en 2015 ! 2000$/hab

And when are you planning to live? You can't take money to the grave.

I could ask you the same question: spending money you don't have and not investing, you'll have monthly payments for the rest of your life. So you'll need to work all your life. When are you planning to live?

It's all about balance and spending on the right things, on what is important to you. Like they say: don't buy things you don't need with money you don't have to impress people you don't like.

And if you don't make enough money, well, invest in your skills/knowledge and make yourself more valuable.

Financial education goes a long way. With a little planning and discipline one can retire way earlier than the usual 65yo. There are a lot of people retiring in their 30's (I plan to be one of them). They get to travel the world, spend a lot of quality time with their kids, do charity work, start a business ...
I could ask you the same question: spending money you don't have and not investing, you'll have monthly payments for the rest of your life. So you'll need to work all your life. When are you planning to live?

It's all about balance and spending on the right things, on what is important to you. Like they say: don't buy things you don't need with money you don't have to impress people you don't like.

And if you don't make enough money, well, invest in your skills/knowledge and make yourself more valuable.

Financial education goes a long way. With a little planning and discipline one can retire way earlier than the usual 65yo. There are a lot of people retiring in their 30's (I plan to be one of them). They get to travel the world, spend a lot of quality time with their kids, do charity work, start a business ...

Some people have it easier than others. Immigration was hard for my parents and they didn't always have a job so we used food banks when I was growing up.

Maybe that's why I had a ravenous desire to buy stuff I dreamed about as a kid as soon as I got my first "real" job. I'm guessing I'm not the only one, otherwise everyone in Quebec would be fulfilled, satisfied and disciplined like you, retiring in their 30's *tu*
It is really sad how most people spend their money.
Where I work, one day we talked about money and stuff in the small cafeteria (about 20 people, most over 45yo). I was surprised that most people have maid to clean their houses and most wont have much for retirement.

What are people doing with their money? Ok, I can see some are travelling left and right, other dont seem to spend that much, but still they would not be able to retire comfortably and is hoping for mother government (aka Mafia) to help them once their too old to work.

I see a lot of immigrants parents that came here with nothing at all and have more net worth than the average people.
I wish I knew what I know today when I was in my early 20s...I am turning 33 this year. I am doing ok and trying to catch up...

People need to stop buying what they want and buy only what they need. (of course from time to time you can treat yourself with some "want" stuff, but not everyday)

Exemple : dont buy the 60inch TV when you can live with 40inch, dont buy 8 TVs for your home when it's okay to have 2.

I know its easier said than done, but over time you understand that it has no value to all the hype. Just like people waiting outside for the new iPhone or PlayStation, its crazy! After a few years, it worth nothing.
Im not saying to live a boring hermit life, enjoy the most you can but be smart with your money. One of my colleague have a broken PS3 he decide to get it fixed and buy the PS4 while waiting for the PS3 to be fix, and then he complain about being in debt of over 25k. Like...wtf? (true story)

Im not perfect and I still do some mistake, but I am going to the right direction...
Mais en même temps, on parle de l'endettement des Canadiens (et donc des Québecois) mais pas plus tard que la semaine passée on apprenait qu'il y a eu des ventes records de véhicules neufs en 2015, que le char le plus vendu au Canada en 2015 est un F150 et des Dodge Ram, on annonce Rammstein à Québec cette été et déjà 50 000 billets à 100$ de vendu, Apple sort un nouveau téléphone à 800$ pis ca va se battre dans le line-up pour l'acheter pis garocher 100$ par mois pendant 3 ans dans leur forfait... Un moment donné, les gens sont les auteurs de leur propre malheur et simplement victime de leur imbécillité.

Ya pas personne qui fait pitié au Canada, et encore moins au Québec. Ya des gens qui réussissent à vivre au salaire minimum et même des étudiants qui vivent avec leur 800$ de prêts-bourses par mois en payant leur frais de scolarité, appartement et sorties, pendant que d'autres s'endettent par dessus la tête avec des salaires 4 fois plus élevés. Faut mettre les priorités à bonne place dans vie.

L'économie et l'emploi ne vont pas bien pour personne, si vous n'arrivez plus à fin du mois, c'est le temps de vendre vos cochonneries et prendre vos responsabilités. C'est pas la faute des banques si vous financez votre set de salon sur 48 mois à 12%, elle ne vous a pas tordu un bras pour signer... En faite faudrait être stupide de refuser de financer quelqu'un qui fait une demande pareil !!! Ca doit être le même comique qui se plaint que son steak haché est trop cher !
Société de consommation. Pure et simple. Pas capable de t'abstenir, bien too fucking bad. Vie avec les conséquences. Ça fait longtemps que je dits que ça prendrais des cours de finances dans les écoles. Faire apprendre le monde comment gérer leurs argent! Il y a un ostie de différence entre ''I want'' et '' I need''. Je me suis discipliné en disant , si je n'ai pas le cash pour l'acheté, bien ça va attendre. ça te force à sauvé l'argent . Rendu là des fois, je change d'idée et je fais d'autre chose avec l'argent qui est plus prioritaire.
Well I just turned 27 this year. I had 35k that I was able to save up in 2 years after getting my permanent position for the government. I bought a house early January and yes my bank account took a huge hit and right now I'm on a tight budget BUT I'm still able to put aside 50$ per check into a TSFA and I'll have a tenant in April. I plan on putting his 450$ per month in my TSFA. Its all about choices...some people would see that 450$ for extra shopping money. Slowly but surely I'll rebuild my net worth...I have zero debt except my mortage :)