Alternative to Lululemon's 5 years shirt ?


Shop Representative
I'm not a yoga-fan, but have to admit the fabric used in the lululemon 5years shirt is very very soft and nice to wear. Very casual, I can wear those long shirt at the office. However, they don't produce the long shirt anymore, just t-shirt and althought it's really soft, it's still 54+ tax for a damn t-shirt lol..

Anyways.. surely there must be some alternative brand that use the same fabric/material without the Lulu logo at a much more reasonable price tag?

Cheers and happy holiday everyone !
Guildan ! Mon t-shirt du premier maple leaf bash est un guildan pis y'a pas un trou dedans. J'ai des t-shirt michelin que j'ai eu ya 8-9 ans pis pas un trou dedans pis jlai ai porter en masse

sent from hell