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Over some time I've heard ppl asking about what E.T. drag racing really is. Well here's a little article for those who aren't sure or who just don't know.
Incase you Really don't know anything....E.T. means Elapsed time, the time it takes a vehicle to travel from the starting line to the finish line.
What is a Drag Race?
In basic terms, a drag race is an acceleration contest from a standing start between two vehicles over a measured distance at a specifically designed drag race facility. The accepted standard for that distance is either a quarter-mile or an eigth-mile. These contests are started by means of an electronic device commonly called a "Christmas Tree." Upon leaving the starting line, each contestant activates a timer which is, in turn, stopped when the same vehicle reaches the finish line. The start-to-finish clocking is the vehicle's E.T. (elapsed time), which serves to measure performance and often serves to determine handicaps during competition.
As a vehicle approaches the starting line it breaks the first light beam and the "Pre-Stage" light on 'Christmas Tree" is lit.
Driver slowly inches car forward until the second light beam is broken and the "Staged" lights come on.
What is E.T. Racing?
By far the most popular form of drag racing is a handicapped form of competition known as "E.T. Bracket Racing." In this form of racing, two vehicles of varying performance potentials can race on a potentially even basis. The anticipated elapsed times for each vehicle are compared, with the slower car receiving a headstart equal to the difference of the two. With this system, virtually any two vehicles can be paired in a competitive drag race.
For Example: Car A has ben timed a 17.78, 17.74, and 17.76 seconds for the quarter-mile, and the driver feels that a "dial-in" of 17.75 is appropriate. Meanwhile, the driver of car B has recorded elapsed times of 15.27, 15.22 and 15.26 on the same track and he has opted for a "dial-in" of 15.25. Accordingly, car A will get a 2.5-second headstart over car B when the "Christmas Tree" counts down to each car's starting green lights.
If both vehicles cover the quarter-mile in exactly the predetermined elapsed time, the win will go to the driver who reacts quickest to the starting signal. That reaction to the starting signal is called "reaction time." Both lanes are timed independently of one another, and the clock does not start until the vehicle actually moves. Because of this, a vehicle may sometimes appear to have a mathematical advantage in comparative elapsed times but actually lose the race. This fact makes starting line reflexes extremely important in drag racing!
After both cars are staged the Starter activates "Christmas Tree" and three amber lights and one green are sequenced.
Drivers use amber lights as a guide to anticipate the green bulb coming on. Leave too soon and a bright red "foul" shows.
What is "Break-Out" and/or "Red Light"?
Should a driver go quicker than his/her predetermined "dial-in" it is a "break-out," and grounds for disqualification. In the case of both vehicles making their runs under their dial-ins, the win goes to the driver who breaks out the least. Another form of disqualification is a foul start (or "red light"). This happens when the driver reacts to the "Christmas Tree" too quickly and drives his car away from the starting line before the green "go" signal. When dual infactions occur, say a red light and then a break out, the red light takes precedent over the break-out.
taken directly from:
Incase you Really don't know anything....E.T. means Elapsed time, the time it takes a vehicle to travel from the starting line to the finish line.
What is a Drag Race?
In basic terms, a drag race is an acceleration contest from a standing start between two vehicles over a measured distance at a specifically designed drag race facility. The accepted standard for that distance is either a quarter-mile or an eigth-mile. These contests are started by means of an electronic device commonly called a "Christmas Tree." Upon leaving the starting line, each contestant activates a timer which is, in turn, stopped when the same vehicle reaches the finish line. The start-to-finish clocking is the vehicle's E.T. (elapsed time), which serves to measure performance and often serves to determine handicaps during competition.

As a vehicle approaches the starting line it breaks the first light beam and the "Pre-Stage" light on 'Christmas Tree" is lit.

Driver slowly inches car forward until the second light beam is broken and the "Staged" lights come on.
What is E.T. Racing?
By far the most popular form of drag racing is a handicapped form of competition known as "E.T. Bracket Racing." In this form of racing, two vehicles of varying performance potentials can race on a potentially even basis. The anticipated elapsed times for each vehicle are compared, with the slower car receiving a headstart equal to the difference of the two. With this system, virtually any two vehicles can be paired in a competitive drag race.
For Example: Car A has ben timed a 17.78, 17.74, and 17.76 seconds for the quarter-mile, and the driver feels that a "dial-in" of 17.75 is appropriate. Meanwhile, the driver of car B has recorded elapsed times of 15.27, 15.22 and 15.26 on the same track and he has opted for a "dial-in" of 15.25. Accordingly, car A will get a 2.5-second headstart over car B when the "Christmas Tree" counts down to each car's starting green lights.
If both vehicles cover the quarter-mile in exactly the predetermined elapsed time, the win will go to the driver who reacts quickest to the starting signal. That reaction to the starting signal is called "reaction time." Both lanes are timed independently of one another, and the clock does not start until the vehicle actually moves. Because of this, a vehicle may sometimes appear to have a mathematical advantage in comparative elapsed times but actually lose the race. This fact makes starting line reflexes extremely important in drag racing!

After both cars are staged the Starter activates "Christmas Tree" and three amber lights and one green are sequenced.

Drivers use amber lights as a guide to anticipate the green bulb coming on. Leave too soon and a bright red "foul" shows.
What is "Break-Out" and/or "Red Light"?
Should a driver go quicker than his/her predetermined "dial-in" it is a "break-out," and grounds for disqualification. In the case of both vehicles making their runs under their dial-ins, the win goes to the driver who breaks out the least. Another form of disqualification is a foul start (or "red light"). This happens when the driver reacts to the "Christmas Tree" too quickly and drives his car away from the starting line before the green "go" signal. When dual infactions occur, say a red light and then a break out, the red light takes precedent over the break-out.
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