Very nice. Dark, technical & melodic. Growls & lyrics are far and in between, a nice touch in this genre imo. The ending of songs could be fleshed out a bit, I'm just not a fan of the systematic brutal cut-offs. I'm not sure if it's because I know you are a solo project and using a drum machine but there is a digital'ish touch to the the music that departs from traditional stuff, a good thing IMO.
Listening to the whole Exomancer album right now on Google Music.
Cannibal Corpse are coming to Montreal this saturday! Anybody going?
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with family life I rarely, if ever, have time to go to concerts
I skipped Amon Amarth, In Flames and Insomnium recently
Criss, vas-tu falloir te sortir un de ces quatres?
Le peu de temps libre que j'ai je le consacre à faire de l'exercice.
Mais c'est dans mes plans d'aller voir un des mes bands bientot