News: Leaked: Q60 Coupe 400hp


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L'intérieur le double écran . Le 2ieme en bas on dirait une écrant Kenwood de chez canadian tire rajouté...
J'ai l'air d'etre le seul à pas trouver sa laid. C'est pas la perfection mais c'est pas un nissan juke non plus.
The rear in OP's post is weird (the red one) but other pics posted later look way better. The rear is different than the red one.
Elle a l'air pas pire finalement

C'est officiel pour la transmission? Une autre manuelle en moin? :(
I see Jag, Audi, BMW cues all over this car. Doesn't look bad, but with every Infiniti it will not age well...
I see Jag, Audi, BMW cues all over this car. Doesn't look bad, but with every Infiniti it will not age well...

I agree. And the interior already look dated. I would even say it look like a cheap Hyundai interior minus the steering wheel that is much better in the Infiniti.
