Miguel touchette pro rwd civic

C'est quoi ton set up de Crank Damper? ATI ont eu de gros problèmes l'été passé et ont retiré leur produit du marché (selement pour les H22). J'ai opté de gardé le stock pour le peu de HP que j'ai (comparatif), mais pour ton set up avec autant de HP ...
(Beaucoup de discussion ladessus sur Honda-Tech). Assure toi également que ta pompe à huile ne transmettre pas de vibration vers ton crank...

C'est quoi ton set up de distributeur? Tu fais touner le moteur à l'envers?
j.ai plus de damper pour la pompe ces pas grave si il a des vibration je change les bering du crank plus souvent je sais pas trop on verra je vais faire quelque test!:dunno:la timing belt es quand meme directement pluger sur le crank donc je verrais pas ou il pourrais avoir un probleme toute de toute facon le char va meme pas rouler 100 km dans la saison!pis le moteur va virer dans le sens normale jai opter pour une transmission g-force
pour faire tourner le distributeur a lenver ca se fait avec le distributeur honda en revirant le trigger dans le distributeur

jlai vu sur un volks que jai tuner cette semaine avec un ordi honda :)

pour le damper ca vaut la peine de regarder cqui se fait ca ralonge la vie des pieces cest un bon plus
au moin tas pas de risque de briser ta pompe avec celle que tinstal

je vais essayer ca comme ca et jeter un coup doeil sur les bering du crank une fois de temps en temps d'apres moi il devrais avoir aucun problème avec ce set-up là!
People are getting their crank pulleys confused with the harmonic dampers found on some domestic V6 & V8 engines. "Harmonic Balancer" is a term used loosely in the automotive industry. Technically, this type of device does not exist. The "balancer" part comes from engines that are externally balanced and have a counterweight cast into the damper. None of the applications we offer use a counterweight as part of the pulley, as these engines are all internally balanced.

The pulleys on most of the new import and smaller domestic engines have an elastomer (rubber ring) incorporated into the pulley making them look similar to a harmonic damper. The elastomer in the OEM pulley serves as an isolator, which is there to suppress noise from the engine accessories; the A/C compressor, P/S pump, and alternator. This is what the manufacturers call NVH (Noise Vibration & Harshness) when referring to noticeable noise and vibration in the passenger compartment. It is important to realize in these applications, the elastomer is inadequate in size and durability to act as an effective torsional damper. If you look at the pulleys on some imports there is no rubber to be found at all. We have samples of these, mostly from Acura/Honda B & D Series engines, Nissan Altima, 1.8L Eclipse, 2.3L Fords, Chrysler 2.2L's, and 1.8L VW's just to mention a few. Most owners who have installed our pulleys notice the engine actually feels smoother. This is result of replacing the heavy crank pulley with our crank pulley. NVH is variable and unique to every car. NVH will increase with the installation of an aftermarket intake and/or exhaust, for example. Think of OEM intake systems in newer cars, they use baffles and resonators in the intake to quiet all the intake noise. Aftermarket intakes eliminate these resonators and create dramatic increases in engine noise from the throttle opening and closing. So to most tuners, certain types of NVH can make the driving experience more enjoyable.

The purpose of a traditional harmonic damper is to protect against crank failure from torsional movement and frequencies of high amplitude. This is not necessary in most modern engines because of the many advances in engine design and materials. Factors such as shorter stroke length, smaller displacement, piston dwell time, piston pin off-set, power output, etc., do determine when and how these harmonics and torsional movements occur. More importantly the actual tune of the engine, espcially with modified vheciles, is the biggest factor in potential engine damage. Poor tuning leads to detonation which is an engine killer that no damper can stop.

Again, there is a lot of internet hearsay about solid crank pulleys. When engine problems occur, too often people are quick to blame the pulley first, rather than taking the time to look logically into why there was a problem. We hope that after reading this you will understand our crank pulleys better. Top
avec une damper pulley tu vas aider a eliminer les vibration nocive a ton moteur
ca prend ca pour monter une mecanique fiable ya pas juste les bearing qui mange la claque
en plus cette annee ca devrait marcher en %^& et plus ca marche plus ca devien necessaire

quand tu fais revver un moteur jusqu'à la stratosphère, il y a plein de vibration de 2ième et troisième ordre qui peuvent casser tout dans le moteur.
People are getting their crank pulleys confused with the harmonic dampers found on some domestic V6 & V8 engines. "Harmonic Balancer" is a term used loosely in the automotive industry. Technically, this type of device does not exist. The "balancer" part comes from engines that are externally balanced and have a counterweight cast into the damper. None of the applications we offer use a counterweight as part of the pulley, as these engines are all internally balanced.

The pulleys on most of the new import and smaller domestic engines have an elastomer (rubber ring) incorporated into the pulley making them look similar to a harmonic damper. The elastomer in the OEM pulley serves as an isolator, which is there to suppress noise from the engine accessories; the A/C compressor, P/S pump, and alternator. This is what the manufacturers call NVH (Noise Vibration & Harshness) when referring to noticeable noise and vibration in the passenger compartment. It is important to realize in these applications, the elastomer is inadequate in size and durability to act as an effective torsional damper. If you look at the pulleys on some imports there is no rubber to be found at all. We have samples of these, mostly from Acura/Honda B & D Series engines, Nissan Altima, 1.8L Eclipse, 2.3L Fords, Chrysler 2.2L's, and 1.8L VW's just to mention a few. Most owners who have installed our pulleys notice the engine actually feels smoother. This is result of replacing the heavy crank pulley with our crank pulley. NVH is variable and unique to every car. NVH will increase with the installation of an aftermarket intake and/or exhaust, for example. Think of OEM intake systems in newer cars, they use baffles and resonators in the intake to quiet all the intake noise. Aftermarket intakes eliminate these resonators and create dramatic increases in engine noise from the throttle opening and closing. So to most tuners, certain types of NVH can make the driving experience more enjoyable.

The purpose of a traditional harmonic damper is to protect against crank failure from torsional movement and frequencies of high amplitude. This is not necessary in most modern engines because of the many advances in engine design and materials. Factors such as shorter stroke length, smaller displacement, piston dwell time, piston pin off-set, power output, etc., do determine when and how these harmonics and torsional movements occur. More importantly the actual tune of the engine, espcially with modified vheciles, is the biggest factor in potential engine damage. Poor tuning leads to detonation which is an engine killer that no damper can stop.

Again, there is a lot of internet hearsay about solid crank pulleys. When engine problems occur, too often people are quick to blame the pulley first, rather than taking the time to look logically into why there was a problem. We hope that after reading this you will understand our crank pulleys better. Top

Pourquoi prendre un chance quand même ? gagner 3 a 4 hp en enlevant de la masse rotationnelle ?
De ou t'as pris ces infos la touch4? Directement du manufacturier je suppose?

Y'a beaucoup de discussion sur la necessite des harmonic dampener sur plusieures imports. Le concensus general a toujour ete que c'est presque necessaire, et l'enlever est garanti a presque tout coups d'avoir des consequences negatives sur la longevite du moteur.
Etk, ca reste ton moteur, et on verras bien a la fin de la saison, lache pas!
De ou t'as pris ces infos la touch4? Directement du manufacturier je suppose?

Y'a beaucoup de discussion sur la necessite des harmonic dampener sur plusieures imports. Le concensus general a toujour ete que c'est presque necessaire, et l'enlever est garanti a presque tout coups d'avoir des consequences negatives sur la longevite du moteur.
Etk, ca reste ton moteur, et on verras bien a la fin de la saison, lache pas!

finalement apres quelque recherche sur le net et discussion avec un pro je vais garder mon damper stock, pour faire virer ma pompe a lhuile je vais machiner dequoi ! mon but denlever le damper cetais pas daller chercher le maigre 4-5hp je pensais pas que cetais vraiment utile de garder ca entk merci les gars davoir mis ce doute la dans ma tete ca ma permis de pas scraper mon moteur:bigup:
jai hate de voir ca de pres ca lair assez demoniac comme piece:)

cest une des pieces qui vaut le plus cher sur l'auto!faut pas que ma blonde voie la facture loll! j'y ai pas acheté de fleurs a la st-valentin!!! hahahaha
en plus avec le topic le lendemain de la st-valentin
finalement apres quelque recherche sur le net et discussion avec un pro je vais garder mon damper stock, pour faire virer ma pompe a lhuile je vais machiner dequoi ! mon but denlever le damper cetais pas daller chercher le maigre 4-5hp je pensais pas que cetais vraiment utile de garder ca entk merci les gars davoir mis ce doute la dans ma tete ca ma permis de pas scraper mon moteur:bigup:

J'ais eus le meme probleme la saison derniere ! Ma pump a l'huile a lache plutot eclater en 8 morceaux ! Resultat Engine Blowned

Causer par !? Manquer d'huile dans la pump ? :dunno:

Vibration extreme sur la pump !? :dunno:

Une chose sure le tune Up n'avais pas ete negliger *tu*

Je suis encore dans le meme dileme cela as tu ete causer par ?

Damper aftermarket ( quand meme un bon ) ? :dunno:

Renifleur Moroso ? :dunno:

Panne a l'huile 5.5 Moroso Bafle mal confectionner ? :dunno:

L'huile trop epaisse 25w50 Racing :dunno:

Je dois reviser tout les possibilitees possible Je ne peus pas me permettre de sauter un autre set up

C'est sure que ce set up la serra balancer sa coche a grandeur cette fois la je veus eleminer tout les possibilitee