We had an old bitc* like those on my street calling the city and police on everybody for everything she could make up, yelling at people to go inside their house if they were sitting out front.
Washing our cars (5) the police shows up saying I'm operating a car wash because she called.
Neighbor had to go to court because she claimed that his dog was attacking people on the street.
She made her son physically attack my mother in law claiming that she got beat up by her.
The idiot did it front of the city workers and they called the cops on him, so as a retaliation she filed against my mother in law saying she beat her up while she was helping the guy in wheelchair next door.
She lost her case because the guy told the judge that he never use his wheelchair outside his house and the bith* never helped him once. Son got charged with assault.
They yelled people trying to park on the street near their house to make them move.
People were laughing and clapping when they were taking away her dead body. Son died a month later in the house alone and wasn't discovered till weeks later. I wonder if the haitians owning the house know were told about the 3 dead people in the house (father died in there too), think they would sell it asap lol