Noise Complaint


New member
Hey boys,

I could use some advice. My friends and I received a noise complaint ticket for 428$ last night (300$ + 128$ in fees)... in the past we have only received tickets of 150$ or so.

Is this legal? What's going on here?

you may need to post more details and history of complaints before you can get a valid opinion.

had you been warned before? etc
Yes we have been warned before. One of our neighbours hates us and calls the cops practically every night. Last night when the cops arrived there was zero noise (people had left an hour before or so) and yet they still handed us that hefty fine. I was not aware they could increase the fine for repeat offenses?
some people in hudson have sticks up their asses, but if you were breaking the law then you need to pay the fine.

at the same time, if your neighbor is harassing you, you may want to call the police and explain the problem you are having with the neighbor making false complaints or exaggerated complaints
Y dois avoir des bout que tu nous dis pas car normalement la police ne peut pas donner de ticket si elle ne conteste pas les fait.

Alors je vois pas trop comment tu aurais eux 428$ de ticket si à leur arrivé il n'y avais aucun bruit.
In 1994, my wife and I moved into our second apartment in Pierrefonds. We had no kids but we did have two Pugs at the time, they did not bark often nor were they loud in any way.

The front neighbor was a security guard for the Pierrefonds municipality (back then) and his wife was preggo when we moved in, June 1st.

Two days later we received a warning for barking dogs, on a day when the dogs were with me, at work (I worked at a dental lab, which is more like an artisan process than a lab) so when I returned home, with the dogs on a leash, and found the warning I asked the neighbor.

He said it was just a formality, because now that we had a warning, we would receive a ticket if ever the dogs barked.

He was well in his thirties, I was 23. Who was more mature?


A couple weeks later, the douche's wife gave birth to his first (probably retarded) child, and the little fucker kept us up half the nights crying.

Naturally, when we called the municipality to complain, they told us to deal with it ourselves, so that fall, we broke our lease based on the premise that the neighbor was a complete douche, and we moved to another quieter place.

Moral of the story, if you don't like where you live because your lifestyle doesn't suit your fucked up retarded neighbors, move!
j'aimerais ça faire comme lord_galathon et casser mon bail pcq mon voisin stune douche.
In 1994, my wife and I moved into our second apartment in Pierrefonds. We had no kids but we did have two Pugs at the time, they did not bark often nor were they loud in any way.

The front neighbor was a security guard for the Pierrefonds municipality (back then) and his wife was preggo when we moved in, June 1st.

Two days later we received a warning for barking dogs, on a day when the dogs were with me, at work (I worked at a dental lab, which is more like an artisan process than a lab) so when I returned home, with the dogs on a leash, and found the warning I asked the neighbor.

He said it was just a formality, because now that we had a warning, we would receive a ticket if ever the dogs barked.

He was well in his thirties, I was 23. Who was more mature?


A couple weeks later, the douche's wife gave birth to his first (probably retarded) child, and the little fucker kept us up half the nights crying.

Naturally, when we called the municipality to complain, they told us to deal with it ourselves, so that fall, we broke our lease based on the premise that the neighbor was a complete douche, and we moved to another quieter place.

Moral of the story, if you don't like where you live because your lifestyle doesn't suit your fucked up retarded neighbors, move!

IMO you should have photocopied your warning and then told him HIS pug was making too much noise and that now he would get a ticket.
you make noise.
you had ticket before.
you have been warned.
you still make noise.
ticket again.

you dont seem to understand...

cops will not respond right away since its not an emergency.

you want to make noise buy your own house!
if you already have a house, sell it and buy another one without neighbours close to you!
i thought in hudson everyone lived 5km apart?

where are the fuckers that say off island > on island?
Non, un policier ne peut pas donner autre chose que l'amende minimal prévu par la loi, seul un juge peut donner une sentence exemplaire.

Alors soit que l'infraction à augmenter de frais, ou bien le policier t'a remis une amande plus cher qui s'apparente au délis causé.

As-tu comparer tes deux infractions , est-ce que cest le meme numero de reglement municipal ?
Dude, how do youget a ticket for being noisy, i've never even seen one of those and the cops have been by tons of times to warn us to be quiet, both here at home during large outdoor parties and at friend's places in appartments...I don't get it.