Officers shot in Dallas protest

Holy shit! They blew up the sniper with a bomb?! WTF! Why?!

Because 'Murica.

The cops, basically just used a drone/robot, to go bomb an American citizen, on American soil,... but wait, the same moron are still gonna be up in arms about this being a false flag to justify gun control.
Because 'Murica.

The cops, basically just used a drone/robot, to go bomb an American citizen, on American soil,... but wait, the same moron are still gonna be up in arms about this being a false flag to justify gun control.

Le pire c'est qu'en pensant ça ils se croient plus brillants et lucides que le reste de la population...
I see nothing wrong with killing killers.

The moment you step outside and kill people, your citizenship doesn't hold much water.
I understand the guy deserves it. But he should have been interrogated first I believe. Do they know who he was at least?
They negotiated for hours and he told them he was out there to kill white people, especially white officers.
I understand the guy deserves it. But he should have been interrogated first I believe. Do they know who he was at least?
“We cornered one suspect and tried to negotiate for several hours,” Brown said.

The decision to use the robot and bomb was made after hours of failed negotiations, when the gunman fired upon police, Brown said.

“Other options would have exposed our officers to grave danger,” Brown said.
“He said he was upset about Black Lives Matter,” police chief says. “He was very upset at white people. He wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”
Un char téléguidé ou un drone explosif yeahh! Facile à faire pour un citoyen noir qui veut venger le passé d'esclavage de son arbre généalogique!

C'est facile dire qu'un noir c'est inférieur qu'il n'a pas d'éducation, qu'il est violent ou voleur... En Afrique du sud c'est le contraire, les blancs sont traités comme de la marde.
Because 'Murica.

The cops, basically just used a drone/robot, to go bomb an American citizen, on American soil,... but wait, the same moron are still gonna be up in arms about this being a false flag to justify gun control.

Le pire c'est qu'en pensant ça ils se croient plus brillants et lucides que le reste de la population...

J'ai clairement formulé ma phrase pour démontrer que je be fais que lancer une question. J'ai jamais dit que j'suis convaincu que c'est le cas. Mais je crois qu'il est légitime de se poser la question. Si ce n'est pas le cas et bien tant mieux (ou tant pis... Peu importe). Je trouve juste ça incroyable des fois pes coincidences. Et il faut regarder historiquement aussi, comment les gouvernement ont souvent tentés d'influencer l'opinion populaire. J'vois pas pourquoi on serait soudainement soustrait à toute malhonnêteté des gouvernements parce qu'on est dépassé l'an 2000....
Lmao they didn't take the chance to gun the man with a human, they had to do it with a robot.

''Damn boys, we only have white policemen here, we can't gun him for sure''

''Fuck it take out the Robot Bomber, it's raceless and genderless, it's safe as fuck''

Inb4 T-800
Lmao they didn't take the chance to gun the man with a human, they had to do it with a robot.

''Damn boys, we only have white policemen here, we can't gun him for sure''

''Fuck it take out the Robot Bomber, it's raceless and genderless, it's safe as fuck''

Inb4 T-800

post of the thread
No permits issued for BLM protest! Only BLM officials knew the route where ambush occurred.Did BLM set up cop ambush? Arrest them all and execute them by military firing squad if it's the case.

If you think it's over you're going to feel silly when you realize this is just the beginning. I'm going to the US next month on holiday, will avoid large cities as much as possible and it's very likely I won't be back next year because this will escalate come November regardless of who is president of the USA.

As Canadians all we'll be able to do is sit back, watch the news and hope it doesn't spread across our borders.

I read an article a few years ago that predicted a US civil war within the next 20 years. I thought that the hurricane Katrina "incident" would have triggered but it didn't which is fine for me.

In my opinion, a US civil war = shit for us.