Two youths involved in deadly accident in Ile-Perrôt

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lol il y a deja assé de monde qui chauffent sans permis, mettre le permis de conduire a 18 ans sa va juste empiré les choses.

Ah ben oui, j'y avais pas pensé.... t'as tellement raison... on devrait DONNER des permis automatiquement dès que tu as ton secondaire 1, de toute façon y vont tous chauffer sans permis....

Heille, heureusement que t'es pas en politique toi.. mais ce qui m'inquiète le plus c'est que tu es certainement un de ces jeunes brillants et doté d'une intelligence supérieure, l'élite, un des décideurs de demain..... dis le nous si tu te lance en politique, on va partir vivre ailleurs...

Ah ben oui, j'y avais pas pensé.... t'as tellement raison... on devrait DONNER des permis automatiquement dès que tu as ton secondaire 1, de toute façon y vont tous chauffer sans permis....

Heille, heureusement que t'es pas en politique toi.. mais ce qui m'inquiète le plus c'est que tu es certainement un de ces jeunes brillants et doté d'une intelligence supérieure, l'élite, un des décideurs de demain..... dis le nous si tu te lance en politique, on va partir vivre ailleurs...


bon jte met en situation

Le gars a 16 ans pis il viens d'avoir son permit d'apprentit conducteur,sa lui a couter environs 50$,il viens de pendre des cours de conduite(500-600$)
apres 8 mois il recoit sont permit probatoire, tous sa pour finir que sont permit se fait suspendre (car il a 16 ans) pis qu'il va avoir perdu tout cette argent la

comment la saaq va gérer tout sa?
pkoi t' es si faché?? ta 15 ans?? mouahahaha

moi jtrouve sa serais juste bon , ya bien trop de ticoune qui save meme pas chauffer un panier d' épicerie sur nos routes.

Sa fais vraiment chier ce genre de situation , je connais meme pas la famille et je suis enragé. R.I.P

Ils méritent meme pas la prison au québec , je les mettrais dans un avion pour le mexique! 10 ans de prisons au mexique , sa fais réfléchir!!

Pour te dire , la maturitée c'est pas 2 ans qui vons faire la difference . Y'en a du monde que meme a 40 ans y le sont pas .

Les jeunes ou nouveaux conducteurs qui font des conneries c'est parce que c'est tout nouveau et sont sans expérience et sont trop confiant que rien ne peut leur arrivé et qui sont en super controle de la voiture . Ceux qui continuent plus vieux c'est des con tout simplement et sa sa pas rapport avec l'age .
bon jte met en situation

Le gars a 16 ans pis il viens d'avoir son permit d'apprentit conducteur,sa lui a couter environs 50$,il viens de pendre des cours de conduite(500-600$)
apres 8 mois il recoit sont permit probatoire, tous sa pour finir que sont permit se fait suspendre (car il a 16 ans) pis qu'il va avoir perdu tout cette argent la

comment la saaq va gérer tout sa?

Je n'appuis en rien cette suggestion car les 2 ont deja 18 ou bien proche ( 17 ans ) sa changerais absolument rien mais je répondrais ...

... Super facile , la saaq a just'a avertire demain qu'a partire de tel date genre en fin 2009 que les permis seront rendu accessible a 18 ans et voila le travail . Tout ceux qui ont 16 ans aujourd'hui auront 18 ans en fin 2009 et vue qui ont avertie 2 ans d'avance personnes vas s'inscrire si y ont pas l'age . Comme pour en se moment pour les 16 ans .
Je n'appuis en rien cette suggestion car les 2 ont deja 18 ou bien proche ( 17 ans ) sa changerais absolument rien mais je répondrais ...

... Super facile , la saaq a just'a avertire qu'a partire de tel date genre en fin 2008 que les permis seront rendu accessible a 18 ans et voila le travail .

au moin y'en a qui comprenent...

anyway une des seules solution possible sa srait de dire que tout les personnes née apres le premier janvier 1992(du monde qui on pas encore leur permit car ils n'ont pas l'age.)peuvent juste avoir le permit a 18 ans.
Le monde a beau chialer sur la police, mais les bilans routiers de la SAAQ sont TRÈS clairs à ce sujet, les 16 - 24 ans causent 25 % des accidents malgré qu'ils ne représentent QUE 10 % des conducteurs du Québec... vivement le permis de conduire à 18 ans !!

Tu vien de le dire , les 16 à 24 ans donc la logique devrait etre 25 ans ??? Pourquoi 18 ans ??? hein :dunno:
Ah ben oui, j'y avais pas pensé.... t'as tellement raison... on devrait DONNER des permis automatiquement dès que tu as ton secondaire 1, de toute façon y vont tous chauffer sans permis....

Heille, heureusement que t'es pas en politique toi.. mais ce qui m'inquiète le plus c'est que tu es certainement un de ces jeunes brillants et doté d'une intelligence supérieure, l'élite, un des décideurs de demain..... dis le nous si tu te lance en politique, on va partir vivre ailleurs...


T'es qui pour me juger toi? Tu pense que parce que tes un cops tu connais tout le monde ou quoi? Est-ce que tu sais comment je conduis? Oui regarde dans mon profil c'est bien une Mazda Millenia de 3 tonnes. Est-ce que j'ai l'aire de quelqu'un qui fait de la conduite "dite sportive". Toi tu te prends pour qui? Tu pense pas plus loin que le bout de ton nez on dirait. En tout cas si TOI tu te lance en politique je vais etre le premier a partire. Bravo pour les préjugés envers tout le monde. *byewhore*

PS: J'ai jamais encouragé, je n'encourage pas et j'encouragerait jamais la course de rue. Et j'ai dits que comme c'est la c'est bien correcte et on a pas besoin de faire pousser le permis de conduire a l'âge de 18 ans. Je sais pas d'ou tu sors avec ton secondaire 1, monsieur le décideur de demain. En tout cas moi je vais aller dormir et te laisser jugé les gens dans ta bulle et décider quel chars tu va tower demain.
I've read this thread a couple of days now and have held myself back from posting anything.. but now it's gonna come out like it or not.

We've all done a LOT of stupid things.. we've all matured now since our heyday and we now hopefully see the difference in how we've changed throughout the yrs.. but these kids are prime examples of what kids are supposed to be.. i.e. u look at films like 2 fast 2 furious and well, it's obvious where todays kids pick up the bad examples.. so was britney spears and so was the spice girls.. but hell.. these kids were only doing what was "expected of them".. yeah, i know it sounds bad, n no i dont condone them killing a kid but what do u expect from our media engulfed society?? Monkey see, monkey DOO!!

I'm really not surprised these kids came from this forum.. look at the HTTP, n u'll understand.
But the fact u hypocrites are all obviously condemning these kids to death without a trial is jumping the gun. I agree with persian rider, how it takes a mistake to learn ur lesson.. but come on.. these kids and i REITERATE KIDS screwed up bigtime with what they did.. but can u hang them 4 being brainwashed by the media to act upon their urges? At a more mature age, we can distinguish (hopefully) right from wrong, but these kids in the moment didnt have the maturity to have control. This is why i wont let my kids drive alone before the age of 20.. I know my past, i know what i'm capable of and i hope kids today can understand how cars are like loaded weapons and should be respected as if they held a handgun in their hands.

-->life is really the only place where u have the exam before u learn ur lesson.
I hope there wont be others who follow in the sordid path these poor kids went thru but i surely wont be naive enough not to expect it to happen again.
I've read this thread a couple of days now and have held myself back from posting anything.. but now it's gonna come out like it or not.

We've all done a LOT of stupid things.. we've all matured now since our heyday and we now hopefully see the difference in how we've changed throughout the yrs.. but these kids are prime examples of what kids are supposed to be.. i.e. u look at films like 2 fast 2 furious and well, it's obvious where todays kids pick up the bad examples.. so was britney spears and so was the spice girls.. but hell.. these kids were only doing what was "expected of them".. yeah, i know it sounds bad, n no i dont condone them killing a kid but what do u expect from our media engulfed society?? Monkey see, monkey DOO!!

I'm really not surprised these kids came from this forum.. look at the HTTP, n u'll understand.
But the fact u hypocrites are all obviously condemning these kids to death without a trial is jumping the gun. I agree with persian rider, how it takes a mistake to learn ur lesson.. but come on.. these kids and i REITERATE KIDS screwed up bigtime with what they did.. but can u hang them 4 being brainwashed by the media to act upon their urges? At a more mature age, we can distinguish (hopefully) right from wrong, but these kids in the moment didnt have the maturity to have control. This is why i wont let my kids drive alone before the age of 20.. I know my past, i know what i'm capable of and i hope kids today can understand how cars are like loaded weapons and should be respected as if they held a handgun in their hands.

-->life is really the only place where u have the exam before u learn ur lesson.
I hope there wont be others who follow in the sordid path these poor kids went thru but i surely wont be naive enough not to expect it to happen again.
20 ans?A partir de 18 ils peuvent conduire pis ta pu un mot a dire............
(j'dit pas sa pour mal faire la.......)
If my kids live under my roof, it's gonna be by MY RULES!!
It's not a democracy in this household, what father says goes... it's hard to understand the reasoning at times but --> experience makes u wise.
If my kids live under my roof, it's gonna be by MY RULES!!
It's not a democracy in this household, what father says goes... it's hard to understand the reasoning at times but --> experience makes u wise.

100% Agreed. As Nick said earlier, its all about education. Just because your child turns 18, that doesn't make them any less of your child.

Some1 responded to Nick's post and said that those who have had it hard become stronger, and those who get it easy are the **** ups.

You are confusing having a good life with having a good upbringing!

Kids today think they have all sorts of rights (which, legally, I suppose they do), and that they can handle themselves, take care of themselves, etc. Thats not how things worked in my family, anyway.

I ****ed up, I got punished. It was as simple as that. My parents smacked me, and I will smack my kids. The lessons best learned at those learned the hard way. I remember getting belted by my folks, and today, I thank them for it!

Either way, after reading this whole entire thread, I came to one and only one conclusion: nobody here know what is actually going on, and what actually happened.

And Hokeum, that is just LOW. *td*
I've read this thread a couple of days now and have held myself back from posting anything.. but now it's gonna come out like it or not.

We've all done a LOT of stupid things.. we've all matured now since our heyday and we now hopefully see the difference in how we've changed throughout the yrs.. but these kids are prime examples of what kids are supposed to be.. i.e. u look at films like 2 fast 2 furious and well, it's obvious where todays kids pick up the bad examples.. so was britney spears and so was the spice girls.. but hell.. these kids were only doing what was "expected of them".. yeah, i know it sounds bad, n no i dont condone them killing a kid but what do u expect from our media engulfed society?? Monkey see, monkey DOO!!

I'm really not surprised these kids came from this forum.. look at the HTTP, n u'll understand.
But the fact u hypocrites are all obviously condemning these kids to death without a trial is jumping the gun. I agree with persian rider, how it takes a mistake to learn ur lesson.. but come on.. these kids and i REITERATE KIDS screwed up bigtime with what they did.. but can u hang them 4 being brainwashed by the media to act upon their urges? At a more mature age, we can distinguish (hopefully) right from wrong, but these kids in the moment didnt have the maturity to have control. This is why i wont let my kids drive alone before the age of 20.. I know my past, i know what i'm capable of and i hope kids today can understand how cars are like loaded weapons and should be respected as if they held a handgun in their hands.

-->life is really the only place where u have the exam before u learn ur lesson.
I hope there wont be others who follow in the sordid path these poor kids went thru but i surely wont be naive enough not to expect it to happen again.

x999999 +rep I was also holding back, you just came out with it first. The amount of hypocrites and people who have no respect on this forum is sickening. I feel terribly awful for the girl and her parents, but I am also empathic of the drivers.. how could you not be? They made a mistake (granted a big one) and they will pay for this their whole life, whether through their conscience or through the judicial system. And people on this forum act like they committed 1st degree murder... I know many of you are speaking through your emotions of seeing an innocent girl die, but imagine yourselves in their shoes. Obviously this wasn't premeditated, it was a bad lack of judgment(like everyone has experienced, don't deny it), maybe an overdose of adrenaline, maybe the fact that they are teens and have the "nothing can hurt me attitude". Whatever the reasons, I'm not saying they shouldn't be punished, because they are still responsible. I just find it pathetic of people to jump to conclusions and insult them, and wish death upon them. They are still human, and some of the things people have said on this forum is what is wrong with the world. I've honestly almost cried reading some of your comments.
I think this is his facebook account:

I can't believe his friends are backing him up. He just killed some innocent child driving wrecklessly and his friends are praying for him. These kids should be praying for the little girl and her family.


here is the newest:

hey, i know it has bee a while since the last time we saw eachother, but i just want to send you my Deepest condolences to you and your family. I can’t even begin to imagine... just wanted to wish you the best of luck and I hope everything goes well. stay strong. See you soon.
why send the ****ing condolences to him when he killed the 3yo girl? i dont understand how the brains works anymore. They dont even mention the little girl in there, no words of prayers to the family.

It might be just me, but his friends are kinda selfish and thoughtless about other familly and lifes. Only theirs is important and they might have lost a friend for a while. Shit they can visit in jail. But as for the girl, nothing. All people will be able to do to visit her will be at her grave and she wont be able to reply to them.

Everyone reads all these forums, newspapers and so on and hear about accidents like these. Then they say to themselves that it will never happen to them. It's true, shit happens but some of them can be prevented if one acts responsible.

At the end of the day, a child paid for someones negligent. RIP to the little girl.
100% Agreed. As Nick said earlier, its all about education. Just because your child turns 18, that doesn't make them any less of your child.

Some1 responded to Nick's post and said that those who have had it hard become stronger, and those who get it easy are the **** ups.

You are confusing having a good life with having a good upbringing!

Kids today think they have all sorts of rights (which, legally, I suppose they do), and that they can handle themselves, take care of themselves, etc. Thats not how things worked in my family, anyway.

I ****ed up, I got punished. It was as simple as that. My parents smacked me, and I will smack my kids. The lessons best learned at those learned the hard way. I remember getting belted by my folks, and today, I thank them for it!

your right I’m 47year old and i remember getting my first speeding ticket at 18
i was doing 67km in a 50km going out of Dorion
When my parent learn that i got grounded for a month with no car for 2 month
I learn my lesson, i never got a speeding ticket after that
and i'm not driving a geometro car, i have driven my share of Muscle cars
but It’s not always the parent fault, some kid’s never learn there lesson
My son is 17 and he’s going to get is learner permit soon and he wont get is permit before he’s 18 and he has to take driving lesson
He know the rule, no drug, no alcohol, no speeding as long he’s under my roof

Would I kill those kid’s? NO, but they do deserve some time behind bars
As far as been 18 for driving I think it would be a good idée
Good things do come from MR

Nice to see that this thread has steered away from a witchhunt and I'm glad that SuNDaY DRiVeR and SpeedFreak00 added their very insightful comments.

When there are threads about tragic events on MR, try to think about what happened and learn from it to improve your own driving/actions. If we think back, we've all done some really stupid stuff in maturing as drivers, and almost all of us could have found ourselves on the guilty end of this situation. For the younger guys and gals on MR, hopefully hearing about this will make you question yourself as a driver and make you less likely to end up on the receiving end of a thread like this (let alone all the really severe consequences).

Safe driving this weekend. My sympathies again to all involved.

P.S. Moral #2: Facebook may be fun, but it can nip you in the a$$ when $hit goes pear shaped!
what's funny is that the assholes complaining here are the same ones that were saying in another thread that they were doing their STOPS in 2-3 gear...

this site is sooo full of morons...

Payers to the family, life's a bitch, and assholes are at every corner...

Sa c'est si y en ont une conscience ... pour coursé dans une zone de 30km/h faut pas en avoir ... faut se calissé de toute . Je suis sur que c'est deja oublié pour eux . Comme dans l'annonce de Gilette avec les 2 athletes " just'un beau souvenir " pi y vons en rire dans quelque années . Si on aurait des lois et peines vraiment au niveau des crimes au quebec ces jeunes la aurait deja plus de vie .

X2 à vous deux....

Le plus désolant, c'est que tout le monde se lance la ballae dans tout ça. La population accuse le maire qui accuse la SQ qui accuse la population d'avoir augmentée.

Les seules vrais coupables selon moi sont ces deux jeunes. Ils ont pris la décision de courser. Oui, il aurait pu y avoir une police, comme il aurait pu ne pas y en avoir.

Dans mon coin, la police passe au moins 4 fois par jour (on a 4 rues lol) et ça n'empêche en rien les criss de morrons de la rue d'en arrière de faire de burnout à la sortie de classes ou à 3h du matin.

Quand j'ai fait venir la police pour mon "hit and run", l'agent me disait qu'il venait souvent dans nos rue patrouiller et qu'ils saisissaient beaucoup de véhicules, mais que ça ne changeait rien...

La présence policière décourage quelque peu, mais elle ne règles pas tout et surtout pas les problèmes mentaux du monde comme ça.

Le monde devrait penser à cette petite file de 3 ans plutôt que de se relancer la balle à savoir qui est coupable.
Le monde a beau chialer sur la police, mais les bilans routiers de la SAAQ sont TRÈS clairs à ce sujet, les 16 - 24 ans causent 25 % des accidents malgré qu'ils ne représentent QUE 10 % des conducteurs du Québec... vivement le permis de conduire à 18 ans !!

How about instead of pushing the legal driving age to 25, we start requiring some real driving lessons.
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