Walmart inaugure son nouveau Supercentre à Laval

WM buys a lot from local, just ask a store manager.

And do you know how they buy local?

Let's say you are a farmer and you grow tomatoes. Growing your tomatoes costs 5/kg so you sell them to the store for 7$/kg and the store sells them for 9$/kg.

Walmart comes along and says "I will buy some tomatoes for 7$/kg and sell for 9$" so you say ok!

Then 6 months later they says, we want to buy all your tomatoes, but we'll only pay 6$/kg, but we'll sell for 8$ so we will sell more. You say ok because you make less money, but at least you are guaranteed to sell everything you make so it's all good in the end.

The problem is that you had to drop everyone else who was buying from you so you only have 1 buyer. And all other buyers are pissed because they are losing sales because Walmart is undercutting them.

So 6 months go by and Walmart says, we're only ganna give you 5$/kg from now on. But they still sell for 8$.

Now at this point they have you by the balls. You can't say no because they will stop buying and no one else wants to come back to you. So you say yes and you pay your employees less, you cut your own income and you keep going.

6 months go by and Walmart says now it's 4$/kg and still sell for 8$ and so on and so on until you go out of business and they just move onto the next supplier.

Walmart is a cancer that destroys economies everywhere it goes.
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It's like Cosco, barely any choice of brand for every single products. Reminds me of a shopping center in communist Cuba... it totally kills variety. At least Cosco pays their employee decently, I heard, and don't brainwash them with kumbaya rituals everyday.
Wal Mart is okay for basic items such as cleaners etc but a couple weeks ago I bought some grocery items at vaudreuil and yes while it was cheaper I still buy almost everything in the USA when I'm there .

That being said I find Maxi the cheapest for "box items/frozen" but the fruits and vegetables are horrid. Not to mention Hatians etc love picking at stuff. So by the time I get there the apples for example are full of finger nail marks.

If you're buying groceries at Costco well you're getting screwed. Costco IMP is good for a few items and that's it.
un pequiste doit aller chez Metro c'est le plus cher de tous et c'est quebecois
IGA n'est plus quebecois depuis que Sobey's a achete Hudon Daudelin
le pequiste sur le BS va surement au Super C ?

on s'en sacre, j'parlais juste du principe épais que Riffo a mentionné
J'comprends pas?! Le salaire moyen d'un membre de MR est d'environ 200k/année, et la majorité vont au Wal-Mart? Ça fait pas de sens...
And do you know how they buy local?

Your propaganda speech aside, i know how they buy local.

It's called supply and demand.

Free market ya know.

As far as cancer, costco comes to mind... Limited damage (members only), but still a horrible store, if you take the time to look around at the competition that is.
WM is fine for cleaning supplies, tooth brushes, tooth paste, body wash, batteries etc, etc. Oh and Olive oil Hellman's too. It's $3.47 at WM while it's $6.49 at IGA. It comes from the same factory, made by the same employees that get paid the same amount of money. The only difference is that I have an extra $3 to spend and stimulate the local economy even more.
As much as i hate walmart, a 24hr walmart store would get my business if i were in a jam.
Saved my ass in FL!
^^ Pour du Epic drunk shopping j'serais down avec un 24h WM... Question de regretter mes achats le lendemain matin et de les retourner
J'comprends pas?! Le salaire moyen d'un membre de MR est d'environ 200k/année, et la majorité vont au Wal-Mart? Ça fait pas de sens...

j'en arrive moi meme d'un supercentre celui sur la 19
j'ai fait le tour 2 fois de la section epicerie pis j'ai juste achete de la saucisse hot dog la dedans
un pequiste doit aller chez Metro c'est le plus cher de tous et c'est quebecois
IGA n'est plus quebecois depuis que Sobey's a achete Hudon Daudelin
le pequiste sur le BS va surement au Super C ?

Un vrai péquiste boycotte aussi Metro depuis qu'ils ont enlevé l'accent aigu sur le e

Débat linguistique mardi à l’assemblée annuelle des actionnaires de Metro. Le Mouvement d’éducation et de défense des actionnaires (MÉDAC) a demandé en vain la francisation du nom de l’épicier au Québec (de Metro à Métro). Le fondateur du MÉDAC, Yves Michaud, a porté plainte à l’Office québécois de la langue française.
A good point what brought up to me. How come at stores in Florida or anywhere in the US even Ontario there are no giant lines...

Here the lines are HUGE.. What gives
Je sais aller aujourd'hui et comparer a lui sur le bord de la 13 il y a seulement une clinique et un affaire de spa/massage de plus
A good point what brought up to me. How come at stores in Florida or anywhere in the US even Ontario there are no giant lines...

Here the lines are HUGE.. What gives

cuz they are everywhere! in the us every little shit town has a walmart. in mtl we are 3.5 million and have what 10 walmarts or so?
en tant que péquiste et séparatiste pur et dur, à quel épicerie je devrais aller pour encourager l'économie québécoise??
Wal mart c'est pas vraiment moins cher qu'ailleurs si tu sais où acheter.

Un gros magasin pour les BS, voila ce que c'est!

25$ de moins sur le même siège d'auto pour mon fils, c'est pas dénigrable!

j'irais pas ailleurs juste pour payer plus cher.

j'y vais pas souvent mais pour le lait de bébé, couches et compagnie, ca vaut la peine
I can't believe "Les Lavallois", you have a great market at Le Marché 440 for fruits & vegetables and you still buy your produce at Wallmart. What is wrong with you?

i don't buy food there, at wal-mart. iga, grand marché for meat and cheese, costco. marché 440 too but i prefer to go there in summer :)

i buy random stuff at wal-mart