Whats should i do?


New member
Okay.. so to make this long story short, i am no longer with my ex(obviously). After 2 and a half years toghether. She is with someone else, messed up story but lets just say she got manipulated(i didnt cheat on her or anything like that).

Anyways back to what i wanted to talk about originally. She owes me almost 2 grand in cash that i borrowed her to pay for school, winter tires and rent. The only proof i have are email bank account transfers for all the transactions. Now this guy she is with has completley changed her and she is ignoring me.

She has moved from her appartement with him (didnt tell me were, but i found out since she moved a couple streets away from one of my friends and i saw her car one day, but she dosent know that and i didnt tell her yet.)

We agreed 2 weeks ago that she would send me a letter by mail saying she would pay me back when she finiahed school at the end of summer, but that letter never came and she never sent it.

Im a very nice guy, and im doing everything to give her a chance but now "cest asser!!" She is just telling me bullshit after bullshit and its affecting me mentally, i am always anxious and cant concentrate at work. I just want to get my cash back and leave her alone to do whatever she wants..

Anyone have some advice on what i could/should do?
Prêter du cash à une fille et espérer revoir la couleur de cet argent la... LOL

Parles au gars et dis y que tu t'attends à avoir ton argent, sinon tous les internets vont voir son smoke Meat
Prêter du cash à une fille et espérer revoir la couleur de cet argent la... LOL

Parles au gars et dis y que tu t'attends à avoir ton argent, sinon tous les internets vont voir son smoke Meat
Yeah i know but in the past this was never a issue when i woukd lend her money. She would pay me back without wven me asking even tho i didnt expect it back anyways.

I was thinking of just going to her new place with a pre written receipt saying that she owes me money with a date to be payed by and have her sign it. But that could go horribly wrong since she would get caught by suprise.

Other people have been saying i should get a lawyer but i dont see the point on doing that since im not trying to throw more money at the problem..

Any suggestions?
De quoi tu parle parler au gars? Jai deja dit a ma blonde de borrow le cash de sont nouveau chum..mais honnetement je pense elle lui cache sa pis elle le cash de sa famille aussi. Je pense elle a pas dit a personne que jai tout payer ses choses premierement. Et le gars je lest jamais vu, je connais juste sont char pis sont prenom, et il a pas facebook non plus.
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Log back in your real account, man up, and post nudes. Then phone number. Let MR work his magic.
find a wicked sick junky, give him/her a 20 to fill a syringe with his/her blood

Knock at the door of her new appartement and ask her politely for the money she owe you , if she declines just show her the infected liquid and tell her that its going into her body if she doesnt pay.

give her a deadline and leave .

Dont worry about the boyfriend hes going to think youre a psychopath and might even leave her. ( dont do the threat thing in front of the boyfriend , you dont need 2 witnesses )

according to your story youre the nice guy , so if the cops shows up to your door just explain the whole story tell em that shes a crazy bitch who used you and that when you asked for your money back shes threatened to call the cops and throw false accusations to scare you.

since youre a nice guy ( and most cops are males ) theyre going to believe you and feel your pain.

theyre going to tell her that they cant do shit for her until you attack her.

shes going to feel helpless and might even start sucking some dicks to pay you back.

Dont thank me , i love helping people.
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Ceux qui disent que 2000$ c'est rien, PM moi, je vais vous donner mon paypall et vous soulager de 2000$.... Anyway c'est rien 2000$...
x2 pour l'arbitre ca serait drôle en tabarnak avec la gross criss de folle juive à Goldwater
find a wicked sick junky, give him/her a 20 to fill a syringe with his/her blood

Knock at the door of her new appartement and ask her politely for the money she owe you , if she declines just show her the infected liquid and tell her that its going into her body if she doesnt pay.

give her a deadline and leave .

Dont worry about the boyfriend hes going to think youre a psychopath and might even leave her. ( dont do the threat thing in front of the boyfriend , you dont need 2 witnesses )

according to your story youre the nice guy , so if the cops shows up to your door just explain the whole story tell em that shes a crazy bitch who used you and that when you asked for your money back shes threatened to call the cops and throw false accusations to scare you.

since youre a nice guy ( and most cops are males ) theyre going to believe you and feel your pain.

theyre going to tell her that they cant do shit for her until you attack her.

shes going to feel helpless and might even start sucking some dicks to pay you back.

Dont thank me , i love helping people.

I LOL'd hard, especially the last line.
Ceux qui disent que 2000$ c'est rien, PM moi, je vais vous donner mon paypall et vous soulager de 2000$.... Anyway c'est rien 2000$...

C'est pas rien, 2000$, mais ça s'enligne pour des mois de calvaire, des larmes, des mises en demeure, des polices à travers des nuits blanches...

Faque non, 2000$ c'est pas assez pour se percer un ulcère.

BTW, si la gars demande conseille à MR, il est de toute évidence pas équiper pour régler ça rapidement sans trop de trouble...

Mon conseil, oublie le cash, prends ça comme un cours avancé de jugement qui a coûté 2000$. Après, passe pu jamais de cash sans pièce justificative. Ou mieux, passe pu jamais de cash point. Y'a du crédit partout, les compagnies se fendent le cul pour te donner des cartes. Si qqun est pas capable d'en ramasser, fuck que tu veux pas y passer de l'argent!!!