My Doberman was attacked by another dog.

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Beautiful dog. I wouldn't want to start a fight with him - Not usre what the other dog was thinking lol
Mais un dobberman sa sent pas la douleur :p

Sérieux yer vraiment hot ton dobb! tu lui a coupé les oreilles ? ca fait encore plus bad :p
Can i put "de l'alchool à friction" to fertilized it ?


No, you are better off with a ready mix such

^^ 14 years! That's impressive for a Dobbie.
Their life expectancy are around 10 years max since this breed has some health problems because BREEDERS IN QUEBEC ARE HORRIBLE AND NEED TO TAKE LESSONS FROM GERMAN'S MASTER BREED ENGINEERS .

Fixed... huge lack of regulation in animal care/commerce in Canada.
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