The MR Recent Tool Purchase Thread...

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A ratchet tool set for $20 at candian tire.

Does anybody have a good air compressor+air gun set up to suggest? something that can do the job for tires, suspension, brake jobs and it's not too loud/not too expensive?
Est-ce que tu aussi essayé le zip gun snap on (ph3050)? Je me cherche un zip gun et le Ir est vraiment moins cher que le snap on. Je voulais savoir sa vaut la peine de payer plus pour le So.

Je veins de voir ton post #107. Ca répond à ma question!
Vasy avec le IR hand down!, comme j'ai mentionner je suis en vehicule lourd, je fais surtout du trailer 53' que ce sois mécanique ou body et Defois laisse moi te dire qu'un vieux trailer les pins peuvent etre jammer asser solidement! Souvent lea gens me l'emprunte car il l'aime et il buche pamals. je prefere le IR a 100%, de plus le trigger est plus "modulable" donc pas on/off comme certains donc si tu veux faire une job precise genre sortire des rivets d'un panneau sans arracher le panneau ca ce fait pamals mieux :p

Aussi si je peux me permetre, ajoute un joint swivel Mactools, honnetement j'en ai mits un sur mon zip et je suis en amour! Ca te permet d'aller chercher des positions qui en tant normal ne peuvent etre fait due a la hose. Depuis que j'ai ca sur mon zip je veux ca sur tout mes outils a air! Fini ce battre avec la hose! J'ai specifier Mactools, car on avait les blue point au garage et ca pas pris 2 mois qu'il fuit, a date Mac c'est ceux qui resiste le mieux et sont garantie a vie!!!
I got this on Thursday... Another to add to the collection, i didn't really need it but the class hard handle sold me.
As posted in the recent purchase thread :

Power Probe 3

New multimeter since the other got run over by a mixer
3/8 drive? How much did you pay? I got the soft grip one and I always have to change the handle.

Yea 3/8 about 120$. I have the same ratchet but lockable and soft grip. I got fed up of the soft grip and cut it off. I got a screw driver handle from my dealer, drilled it out to fit the shaft and it works great
I got this on Thursday... Another to add to the collection, i didn't really need it but the class hard handle sold me.


I did the same thing with the screw driver, when they had a limited classic snap-on screwdriver set... I bought them only because of the hard classic handle hahaha
Different coworkers have both the q and normal models... but noise level wasn't really a concern of mine when making my purchase. It's been over a month now and noise still isn't an issue for me... I don't even notice it.
Different coworkers have both the q and normal models... but noise level wasn't really a concern of mine when making my purchase. It's been over a month now and noise still isn't an issue for me... I don't even notice it.

I had the original QTi when it first came out about 8-9 years ago. After 2 rebuilds I decided to replace it with a Ti, however the noise level was too much for me to bare so I paid the extra 50$ more to go with a QTi again. The new model isn't as strong as I remember it though... While I wouldn't say that I am disappointed with my purchase I am not 100% happy.