OFFICIAL Quebec-Montreal dash camera thread ! * Insert video *

Ce qui est pire c'est quand ils sont a gauche, personne a droite, t'arrives en arriere - ILS TE VOIENT - prennent 1km pour se tasser a droite, te laissent passer ET SE REMETTENT A GAUCHE meme si la voie de droite est libre.
Tu ne comprends rien ! C'est de la conduite preventive.
Au cas ou le monstre de Saint-Alexandre va sortir par la droite , ils sont a gauche pour l'eviter !!!

A la Jetta blanche hier soir vers 21h , sur la 15S ( blainville + ou -) : ton phare cote passager est brulee!
Was testing the new wiper blades that NemesisBob bought me, while somebody cut me with no ... you guessed.

Then he continued...and was a nice sunny day...and actually the sun was very

Number 34 baby !!!

This one is longer....but two for one.

Was Krispy Kreme giving free nuts today?
If they were ( look at the line up) the cops were not aware of it...and were going to McDonald's ( I think) or somewhere else.
Left lane? It's ok...

I would have stopped and told a few words to this mofo but...did not have time.

Use flasher when you turn ? FU moron !
Look at my winter tires in August.
They are low on air ( at least one that I saw for sure - rear right) and front right...not far and I can swerve between cars without flasher.
I drive a brand new red sports car , you I , ME DON T CARE . sais quoi faire.
Je te suis pour voir comment tu conduis et je fais un short. Ok ?

Part 1...

Part 2 :
Je me suis trouvee un autre ami...avec un Hyundai blanche. Mais wait for prefere les Honda Civic. Et couleur noir, encore mieux.

Part 3 :
Dsl, Keeping up with the Kardashians pas une option.

Traffic jam !! Look how long it takes for this short trip...
And listen to the reason behind this traffic !!! Traffic light is jammed on red. Bus can't pass on red !!! FML ! Nobody can pass on red !!! But then move off the road mofo !!! Both buses in the middle of the road ! And one ( on the left) didn't even have the flashers on...until last minute pretty much.

PART 1 :
Time is 6.22PM

PART 2 :
Time is : 6.42 PM
Two cams out of Quebec in this episode. #2 and 13:

#2 lol me too I'm willing to bet he's on the phone

#10 for sure he's holding the wheel with one hand at 12h gangsta

Honestly though some of these are nitpicked like really?

#13 come on calisse, le cammer avait 200km a droite pour passer, pas besoin de faire chier le gars de Traction Boucherville...

#15 "spins out..."
En plus qu'il y a des cyclists qui ont recemment été mort frappé par un véhicule de promenade...
^^^ Il "s'essaye" pas mal en tout temps les ciclistes. Si ca marche ca marche , si non il va freiner vite. Who has the biggest balls kind of game...
Au centre ville...7 /10 sont comme ca.