Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

This ties into the stories about how Republican vote watchers were kicked out in Detroit. It's getting so bad people on the left are ditching the left/right paradigm and are just coming out about these cases because it's wrong.

Ah yes, brought to you by Gateway Pundit, the bastion of reliable news, which took a Facebook live feed from a Karen to make that assertion. Gg.

I can't wait for you Trumptards to disappear with your fake news. You guys have polluted this website enough.
At this point if anyone still wants Biden to win is sooo getting duped

Well actually, even Trump supporters are getting duped right now if you think about it

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Donald John Trump is now president: what does it mean for you?

Moi je me demande si les ténors du GOP (Moscow Mitch, Romney, Meadows, Pence, Graham) lorsque la victoire sera confirmé (que les recounts, lawsuit auront été complétées) vont sortir pour se dissocier des paroles de Trump et dire au peuple américain que la démocratie a parlé et qu’il concède la victoire à Biden et que tout le monde doit se rallier derrière lui.

Ils doivent absolument réparé toute les divisions que Trump a causé s’ils veulent garder le peu de crédibilité qu’ils ont. La majorité du monde qui ont voté pour Trump c’est du M. et Mme Tout-le-monde qui croit au système électoral et qu’ils ont juste voté pour lui à cause des politiques conservatrice.

C’est une frange minoritaire (même si elle représente plusieurs milliers de supporter) les Trumptards brainwashé QAnon qui sont convaincu à la fraude massive électoral et qui boive ses paroles comme celle d’un gourou d’une secte religieuse.
Trump got more Black and Hispanic votes than any Republican presidential candidate in 60 years but lost 8% of the white vote.

I'll wager the large majority of those are beta males who couldn't hand over their Trump ballot to their wives to mail them in.

Truly fascinating. Would you please be so kind as to tell us all about the inroads he's made with voters who were on born on Tuesdays and those whose bedroom windows are facing south east?

I love all these metrics to distract from the simple truth that he lost the popular vote and even a system that is rigged to favour his party won't save him.
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Le point de presse était le pire moment télévisuel d’un président américain de toute leur histoire. Irréel pour le gars qui a dirigé la supposée plus grande puissance mondiale dans les 4 dernières années d’agir de même.

Pis là, ça va être "ça" qui va runner la plus grande puissance...

I mean...

But Spiter claimed JB has been stuttering for a long time. Long long time.

Anybody who's been following US politics for a bit knows this is bs. Just look at random clips of Biden running the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearings and look at him now, the decline is quite substantial.
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Harris is laughing now. She knows Biden is close to being diagnosed with Dementia and when that happens, she will become President