Donald John Trump is no longer president: what does it mean for you?

Alors parce-que c'est pas Trump il a une free pass sur toutes attrocités? Les valeurs humaines, sociales et morales prennent le bord? Kk.

C’est de la politique ici. Le parti prime avant les valeurs.

Anyways, pas sur vers quoi tu t’enligne avec l’aspect moral et social. Les démocrates c’est pas exactement le Parti communiste ni le parti anarchiste... antifa va avoir été le buzzword de 2020 mais plus personne va n’en parler en 2022 a part Donald et whatever nouveau projet de patriot party qui est a veille de sortir.

Les Democrats sont plus proches des valeurs canadiennes que du parti républicain mais ils savent l’argent des caisses de parti viens d’où aussi et ils ne vont pas mordre “the hand that feeds”. Va avoir plus de virtue signaling à la Trudeau mais ca va etre business as usual dans l’ensemble.

C’est pas aussi répugnant que la période 2016-2020 mais ça reste les américains avec leurs bon et mauvais côtés.
Sorry guys, no sky screaming was done on my part today, nor will there ever be.

Yes Trump is no longer in office but if you think things are over, I have a bridge I can sell you.

See here's the thing, Trump was never my idol even though you idiots think he was. I cheered him on for what he did in terms of policy, nothing more. De-globalization, anti-wokeness, and he was the enemy of the career politicians. Quite simply, the enemy of my enemy is a friend, nothing more. You've also said, but you're Canadian. Yes but as goes the US, so goes the rest of the world.

On Biden, it's ridiculous to think that a president that supposedly got 81 million votes needed 30k service men to guard his inauguration. Also with 81M votes, they couldn't even get 300k views on the White House YT stream that was on the front page. It had 13k downvotes to 3.2k upvotes last I heard. Sure there's the broadcast on TV but you mean to tell me not even 1% of his voter base tuned in via the official channel disseminating it.

If Trump's presidency set the bar of what's acceptable, people should be able to :
1) Claim he's not their president without any issue.
2) Claim foreign interference in the election with little to no proof while looking into any criminality of everyone surrounding him even if it's unrelated to the interference.
3) Twist everything he says into a narrative that makes him look bad even if that was not the intended message.
4) Call him any negative word under the sun and not get banned on Facebook/Twitter.
5) Make up stories about him like how he got prostitutes to pee on the bed at a Trump hotel, and have right leaning news networks report it far and wide no questions asked.

Except that won't happen. The best case scenario, this shit show will lead to a third party being created. A centrist party that bleeds enough people from both the Dems and the Republicans that it finally makes a difference. Trump will have acted as a decoy that basically outted all the enemies of the state, and somebody who is more liked can step in to lead it.

You can bet your last dollar whoever it is will also be slandered up and down because again it was never about the person, and always about protecting themselves and the racket they are running out of D.C against anyone jeopardizing it.

People now see the bullshit and are starting to get involved. After all it's a government of the people, by the people, for the people. It's definitely not the way forward that most hoped for, but to say that what Trump started ends because he's no longer president, that is a foolish thought and why they will be going after the Trump supporters hard in the coming weeks and months. Again, it's not because they like Trump, it's because they hate career politicians and they can't continue their plundering with all eyes on them.

So still pushing voter fraud lol...

How do you feel for believing in the Q hoax all these years, knowing now it was pure bullshit ?
Sorry guys, no sky screaming was done on my part today, nor will there ever be.

Yes Trump is no longer in office but if you think things are over, I have a bridge I can sell you.

See here's the thing, Trump was never my idol even though you idiots think he was. I cheered him on for what he did in terms of policy, nothing more. De-globalization, anti-wokeness, and he was the enemy of the career politicians. Quite simply, the enemy of my enemy is a friend, nothing more. You've also said, but you're Canadian. Yes but as goes the US, so goes the rest of the world.

On Biden, it's ridiculous to think that a president that supposedly got 81 million votes needed 30k service men to guard his inauguration. Also with 81M votes, they couldn't even get 300k views on the White House YT stream that was on the front page. It had 13k downvotes to 3.2k upvotes last I heard. Sure there's the broadcast on TV but you mean to tell me not even 1% of his voter base tuned in via the official channel disseminating it.

If Trump's presidency set the bar of what's acceptable, people should be able to :
1) Claim he's not their president without any issue.
2) Claim foreign interference in the election with little to no proof while looking into any criminality of everyone surrounding him even if it's unrelated to the interference.
3) Twist everything he says into a narrative that makes him look bad even if that was not the intended message.
4) Call him any negative word under the sun and not get banned on Facebook/Twitter.
5) Make up stories about him like how he got prostitutes to pee on the bed at a Trump hotel, and have right leaning news networks report it far and wide no questions asked.

Except that won't happen. The best case scenario, this shit show will lead to a third party being created. A centrist party that bleeds enough people from both the Dems and the Republicans that it finally makes a difference. Trump will have acted as a decoy that basically outted all the enemies of the state, and somebody who is more liked can step in to lead it.

You can bet your last dollar whoever it is will also be slandered up and down because again it was never about the person, and always about protecting themselves and the racket they are running out of D.C against anyone jeopardizing it.

People now see the bullshit and are starting to get involved. After all it's a government of the people, by the people, for the people. It's definitely not the way forward that most hoped for, but to say that what Trump started ends because he's no longer president, that is a foolish thought and why they will be going after the Trump supporters hard in the coming weeks and months. Again, it's not because they like Trump, it's because they hate career politicians and they can't continue their plundering with all eyes on them.

Trump's biggest accomplishment was done completely in spite of him, he revealed how utterly vile and corrupt Washington D.C. is in all aspects. All branches of government, military higher-ups, FBI, CIA, Big Media, both parties, democrats and republicans, he exposed all of it.
Trump's biggest accomplishment was done completely in spite of him, he revealed how utterly vile and corrupt Washington D.C. is in all aspects. All branches of government, military higher-ups, FBI, CIA, Big Media, both parties, democrats and republicans, he exposed all of it.

Anybody who followed American politics in the past 40 years knew that already. It's like announcing that water is wet.
Not to THIS extent.

True. Usually Presidents don't give government jobs to their adult children and use their position to direct government money to their own businesses and properties. Trump did show that anticorruption rules are just suggestions and nobody enforces them.
Le thread sur Biden a été originalement créé pour troller les fans de Trump. Il va mourir d'ici 2-3 semaines quand les choses aux États-Unis vont redevenir normales. Si Obama n'avait pas son propre thread, penses-tu sérieusement que le monde ici va poster à tous les jours pour critiquer les faits et gestes de Joe Biden?

C'est ça la différence entre les deux. Trump est polarisant. Il inspire soit du dégoût, soit une adoration tout aussi irrationelle. Biden inspire l'indifférence pour la majorité de la population. Ils sont juste contents du retour à la normale.

The majority of people who voted for Trump don't particularly like him, but that they understood the world needed someone like him, now that it was luck or some actual good decisions at "those times", he dit bring back some "balance" in some aspects like economy, wars, external policies, of course that doesn't take away who he is and suddenly makes him smart/good person, but let's not take away some of the good things that did came out of his presidency, yes there are a lot of bad things as well, his behavior after he lost being one of them, truly showed his childish like narcissistic character.

Those that voted against him obviously wasn't cause they liked Biden, but because they simply really hated Trump as a person, for what he said or better yet how he said it, the fact that they agreed or not with his decisions didn't matter.

Yes there are extreme fans on both sides, I do think that the majority of people are somewhat in the middle with some left or right tenancies depending often on the subject, meaning a normal discussion can be had and opinions can be changed/improved.

That being said, you, and not talking just about you in particular, do realize that even if your actual claims are less crazier and more grounded than the fanatic trump fans, you do seem to have a similar mental health issue in regards to obsessing over them as they do over Trump, even if for different reasons? Not sure I'm clear...
The majority of people who voted for Trump don't particularly like him, but that they understood the world needed someone like him, now that it was luck or some actual good decisions at "those times", he dit bring back some "balance" in some aspects like economy, wars, external policies, of course that doesn't take away who he is and suddenly makes him smart/good person, but let's not take away some of the good things that did came out of his presidency, yes there are a lot of bad things as well, his behavior after he lost being one of them, truly showed his childish like narcissistic character.

Those that voted against him obviously wasn't cause they liked Biden, but because they simply really hated Trump as a person, for what he said or better yet how he said it, the fact that they agreed or not with his decisions didn't matter.

Yes there are extreme fans on both sides, I do think that the majority of people are somewhat in the middle with some left or right tenancies depending often on the subject, meaning a normal discussion can be had and opinions can be changed/improved.

That being said, you, and not talking just about you in particular, do realize that even if your actual claims are less crazier and more grounded than the fanatic trump fans, you do seem to have a similar mental health issue in regards to obsessing over them as they do over Trump, even if for different reasons? Not sure I'm clear...

Before you conduct diagnostics of people you barely know over the internet, you should realize that some people are stuck at home and are so bored that trolling Trump supporters is a form of entertainment.
Trump's biggest accomplishment was done completely in spite of him, he revealed how utterly vile and corrupt Washington D.C. is in all aspects. All branches of government, military higher-ups, FBI, CIA, Big Media, both parties, democrats and republicans, he exposed all of it.

LOL c’est pour ça qu’il a pardonné à des centaines de gens qui ont menti / pas collaborer avec le FBI comme Michael Flynn, Roger Stone et aux plus grands crook tout parti confondu comme Kwame Kilpatrick, Rick Renzi, Steve Bannon (qui a crosser les MAGA en pigeant dans la caisse du Border Wall). Give me a f’ing break, your hypocrisy is stunning!
the media show 24/7 how biden is the savior. eveeryone is on the party.

but in reality no one care about biden.

look the dislike ratio comment are turned off.

and wtf is at 1h 16:30
Juste sur CNN il ne parle presque pas du shit show qui a eu à Seattle et Portland par des antifas. Ridicule comment la couverture médiatique américaine est biaisée. Sa devrait être diffusé et condamné autant que l’extrême-droite qui a pris d’assaut le Capitole.
Juste sur CNN il ne parle presque pas du shit show qui a eu à Seattle et Portland par des antifas. Ridicule comment la couverture médiatique américaine est biaisée. Sa devrait être diffusé et condamné autant que l’extrême-droite qui a pris d’assaut le Capitole.

Brust qui sort enfin de son coma.

Les médias de masse américains sont des machines de propagande pour le parti démocrate, ils vont seulement les condamner si ça serait bénéfique aux démocrates qu'ils le fassent.
Perso, le fait qu’on ne le voit plus tweeter et créer ses sagas de recherche d’attention me fait le plus grand bien.

Sleepy presidency ftw
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Juste sur CNN il ne parle presque pas du shit show qui a eu à Seattle et Portland par des antifas. Ridicule comment la couverture médiatique américaine est biaisée. Sa devrait être diffusé et condamné autant que l’extrême-droite qui a pris d’assaut le Capitole.

les media une entreprise.
il ne travaille pas pour personne icitte

bientot du monde va comprendre trump netai pas la source du probleme.
Perso, le fait qu’on ne le vois plus tweeter et créer ses sagas de recherche d’attention me fait le plus grand bien.

Sleepy presidency ftw

CNN: It’s so peaceful without Trump.

CNN: Yup peaceful

CNN: So much peace



CNN: I wonder what Trump is doing.
CNN: it’s so peaceful without Trump.

CNN: yup peaceful

CNN: so much peace



CNN: I wonder what Trump is doing.

il doit telement avoir hate qu un kids de 15 ans ( please to be white) ouvre le feu dans une ecole.
la il fond faire grand plaisire de pousser leur agenda dans un trumpless america.

dans fond surment sa qui va arriver. une nouvelle turie de masse on va voir sortir une lois contre les armes.
finir que le pleutre obama a commencer.

100% blanc et stager.