hair transplant in Turkey! anyone know someone that did it? recommendations?


Legacy Member
So my hair has been thinning out, nothing drastic by all means, but still, don't want to wait until it's ugly AF. Anyone here tried it? knows someone that did? From what I hear, no drawbacks from doing it in Turkey if it's done at the right places, but hard for me to decide which are the right places... can't believe all the reviews on the web... There is no way I'll pay 10k+ min to do it here, I'll have more than 3 surgeries for that same amount.

So anyone?

thank MR!
Don't know of anyone in real life that did it but I know it's the shit. The doctors know what they are doing and even with the hotel, transport and everything it costs much less than doing it in NA.
Mais sérieusement avant même de considérer un hair transplant commence avec le "Big 3": finasteride, minoxidil, ketoconazole. Tu peux aussi ajouter un dermaroller 1x par semaine si tu veux.
Jviens de comprendre pourquoi yavait tellement de monde avec des picos rouge dans tête quand j'étais à Istanbul. Je me doutais bien que s'était des transplantation capillaire mais je savais pas que s'était reconnu "mondialement"

Esti moi avec, passer 3 jours la bas cette année pi j'comprenais trop pas pk tout l'monde avait la tête plein de gale..
Sulphoraphane. Clinical studies as shown up to 50% regrowth by accelerating DHT degradation.

Skip to 25:20

Look into Asia like Korea which is the capital of plastic surgery. My buddy went and came back a new man
dude it's just hair... shave your head and that's it.

you're wasting your money for the approbation of the others
C'est le monde a l'envers,
moi j'ai pas de calvitie a part un peu sur les tempes mais j'ai quand même 43 ans et a chaque été je passe le clipper direct et défois je rase.
J'aime bien le look que ça me donne.
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can you ask him where he went and how he got to do it etc?? like... some more info :p like real cost, real drawbacks, real stuff

drawbacks : takes a long time to regrow. pretty expensive, since you need to go more than once if you want an effective procedure. Depends from where you start, ofc.

As of where he did it, no idea.
Un collègue l’a fait ici, apparament ca fait un mal horrible lol.

Il a un peu plus de cheveux mais rien de fou je trouve qu’il y a à peine de différence pour le prix qu’il a payé