Greta Thunberg's unofficial and unauthorized thread of the global changes discussion

she does have a solution

tax everyone more and gib muny to gubmint

Anyone who does have a solution doesn't need activists.

Only someone who can't really do anything will ask the help of other who can't really do anything so the result will be that they can't really do anything and they will be victims of the system. I guess it provides a self-esteem of (not even) trying.
Someone needs to give her a hug and tell her she'll be alright.

Come to think of it Outsider also needs a hug.

Someone needs to let her live her youth (ie: her parents)

It's kind of insane that someone with Asperger's syndrome is a fucking spokesperson for ANYTHING. No shit she can't come up with complex answers on the spot..

Speech and language
Although individuals with Asperger syndrome acquire language skills without significant general delay and their speech typically lacks significant abnormalities, language acquisition and use is often atypical.Abnormalities include verbosity; abrupt transitions; literal interpretations and miscomprehension of nuance; use of metaphor meaningful only to the speaker; auditory perception deficits; unusually pedantic, formal, or idiosyncratic speech; and oddities in loudness, pitch, intonation, prosody, and rhythm.[10] Echolalia has also been observed in individuals with AS.

Three aspects of communication patterns are of clinical interest: poor prosody, tangential and circumstantial speech, and marked verbosity. Although inflection and intonation may be less rigid or monotonic than in classic autism, people with AS often have a limited range of intonation: speech may be unusually fast, jerky, or loud. Speech may convey a sense of incoherence; the conversational style often includes monologues about topics that bore the listener, fails to provide context for comments, or fails to suppress internal thoughts. Individuals with AS may fail to detect whether the listener is interested or engaged in the conversation. The speaker's conclusion or point may never be made, and attempts by the listener to elaborate on the speech's content or logic, or to shift to related topics, are often unsuccessful
Je comprends pas pourquoi les gens lui tappe dessus jusqua ce qu'elle soit par terre. Je veux bien comprendre qu on est tanné de se faire sermoner, pis que c est ridicule un peu ses speachs, mais de la a la traiter de mongol pis dire qu'est pas capable de rien amener comme solutions?

Tappez vous sur quelqu'un en sang a terre?
Je comprends pas pourquoi les gens lui tappe dessus jusqua ce qu'elle soit par terre. Je veux bien comprendre qu on est tanné de se faire sermoner, pis que c est ridicule un peu ses speachs, mais de la a la traiter de mongol pis dire qu'est pas capable de rien amener comme solutions?

Tappez vous sur quelqu'un en sang a terre?

Elle est autiste donc quand meme un peu mongole. Pis c'est vrai qu'elle a pas de solutions.
Kid's mother is an opera singer, author, father is a talent agent and managing director of a media company so they are well off. She was discovered and turned viral 3 days before the first release of her book. I wonder why she doesn't organize all these marchers around the world to go clean up the shores of rivers or something useful instead of marching on the streets for a couple of hours and then leave more trash behind while being under the impression that they actually did something.

Ca a deja ete posté 3 fois avant que tu le fasses, dans ce thread meme. Dans le thread de Trump, tu me dis, ''why are you atttaaacking my internet persona?'' Well, parce que t'as l'air d'un coké quand tu post, t'arretes pas, t'es comme un disque qui skip no stop. Les autres essaient de discuter avec toi, mais tu les e-ridiculise en te proclamant verité absolue.
Bordel, c’est une enfant. Restez respectueux deux secondes. J’aime bien que les jeunes la suivent au lieu qu’ils suivent les Kardashian sur Twitter
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Greta c'est la brebis attachee au poteau pour attirer le mauvais/mechant lion.
Son combat est plus grand qu'elle , ses fans vont sans aucun doute regretter les consequences de son ideologie qu'elle represente .
Les etoiles sont alignees pour l'eco-facisme.
Greta c'est la brebis attachee au poteau pour attirer le mauvais/mechant lion.
Son combat est plus grand qu'elle , ses fans vont sans aucun doute regretter les consequences de son ideologie qu'elle represente .
Les etoiles sont alignees pour l'eco-facisme.

c'est la marionnette de Al Gore.

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When she showed up at the UN and made an emotional speech about how the planet needs saving. She, and her organizers, did it wrong.

This is what they should've done:

1) Show up at the UN with a folder filled with ideas of things to do, that might help. Name the folder something and hand it over to the UN Secretary General

2) Make her speech

3) March alongside millions of people to demand that the UN look at, and apply the solutions outlined in the folder named whatever

What was actually done:

1) Emo speech

2) March for "someone else" to come up with ideas

Sorry kids: That's now how it works. That's not how any of this works.

If I go see my boss and tell him: "Our systems don't work properly." His first question will be: "What can we do about it."

I better have a good answer for him otherwise I'll be out of a job.