After my conversation with the SPVM regarding ticket quotas and directives on how to handle infractions regarding modified vehicles, I decided to follow up with the Sûreté du Quebec to see what they had to say.
My phone interview was with sergent Gregory Gomez Del Prado from the media relations department. The first topic of conversation was whether the SQ uses a particular document to guide them in their interaction with owners of modified vehicles. The answer was yes they do, but this guide isn’t a public document so we will unfortunately not be able to have a look at it. Sergent Del Prado went on to add that some officers are more knowledgeable with regard to personalized vehicles than others and these officers would be more likely to pay attention to violations of the safety code that have to do with personalized vehicles. In the event an officer isn’t sure about something, it’s not an automatic inspection. To be sent for inspection, there would have to be “serious” concern about the safety of the vehicle.
The second topic of conversation was with regard to any additional directives for stopping personalized vehicles this year. The SQ has given no such directive in the general sense but it’s a bit more complicated than that. For example if it’s been determined that there a recurring problem in a particular area, officers are given directives at the beginning of their shift to pay attention to this problem. It could be for any crime or disturbance ranging from traffic violations to theft – not necessarily personalized vehicles.
Lastly we spoke about infraction quotas and if the SQ has any. The answer to that question is also no. We asked this because of new information brought to light by Radio Canada which discovered quotas mandated in South Shore communities covered by the Régie intermunicipale de police Richelieu Saint-Laurent.
In summary, we don’t have any new revelations to report here but it’s comforting to know there are no quotas or additional directives toward modified vehicles. We plan to work on getting a clarification from the SAAQ regarding the hellaflush restriction next. To stay updated on all the latest developments, follow on Facebook, Twitter or simply by visiting the site itself.