On the night of March 24, 2011 Arif Afghani was behind the wheel of his BMW when it crashed into a Ford SUV, killing a father and his daughter in the borough of St-Laurent near Bois Franc.
Security camera footage showed that Afghani was in fact racing another vehicle and it was estimated that his speed was in excess of 100 km/h in the 50km/h zone.
Afghani and his former girlfriend were left unconscious and the occupants of the Ford SUV – Daniel Clouston and his daughter, Catherine – died in hospital shortly afterwards. Afghani’s injuries weren’t serious but his girlfriend suffered brain damage and will be dependent on others the rest of her life.
At the time of the crash, Afghani actually had a suspended license after having accumulated 18 Highway Code infractions including one for speeding at 200km/h. He had also been charged with impaired driving in Longueil a year prior.
Crown prosecutor Denis Galiatsatos had been pursuing a six-year sentence while the defense was aiming for two years. Afghani was just sentences to five and a half years behind bars. There is also the possibility that he could be deported to his native Afghanistan.
Please keep it on the track.