Anyone else have a parrot?


New member
So how many of u have parrots ?
What do u do with them for fun etc...

I have an African grey that's like 3 years old.
His name is Jeff and he's in need of a female lol
His vocabulary is slowly expanding and he's very friendly but frightened at the smallest movement.
He had this tendency to always try and feed me regurgitated food and it can get rather annoying although I'm aware what this type of behaviour means.

He's cute and adorable and Was just curious if anyone else has any exotic parrots ?
Do I really need to explain to you that you need to post pics or are you new to this internet thing?

Fkn pervert

I'm on my mobile so I can't right now but ill gladly post some pics when I'm behind my pc for u.

Do u want naked pics of my bird or will clothed do?
J'ai un Green cheek conure de 3 ans qui est completement fou braque depuis 1 mois ou 2. Tjrs en train de vouloir me ''nourrir'', tjrs en train d essayer de ''s'accoupler'' avec ma main ou la queue de cheval de ma blonde lol. C est pas comme un chien qui zigne alors c est pas trop déplacé comme comportement.

Ce type de peroquet la parle mais pas tres clairement, il dit son nom (buddy), il siffle, il rit(imitation), il ''dit'' ein?. il imite le son de l'eau,surtout quand je vais pisser et qu il est sur mon epaule hahaha. Il est vraiment colleux quoi qu'il mord beaucoup!!

On l'a acheté a 2 ans dans une animalerie sur st hubert, c est plus ma blonde qui voulait l acheter mais je l apprecie quand meme. Je crois qu il est pas mal brisé cet oiseau la, il mord beaucoup, je pense qu'il a changé de maitre quelques fois, qu il a ete un peu mal traité et laissé a lui meme. Il est un peu bcp insécure si on le laisse seul il crie fort.

Ma blonde avait un inséparable de 7 ans completement bersek a ses heures, on l'a perdu l annee passé il s'est pousse par la porte arriere...Jamais retrouvé...

Ma blonde aime ca rescaper des animaux mésadaptés je pense..Je deal avec!
Ca ne se voit pas sur les photos il a l'air terne sur celle-ci mais il a le ''yellow side gene'', c est a dire les epaules tachetées jaunes, ses grandes plumes sont bleu foncé, d autres sont turquoises, le reste est gris, noir, blanc et vert ''sapin''.

Ses plumes, peu importe la couleur, sont a effet chameleon, elles changent beaucoup de teintes selon les angles. Un bel oiseau qui detruit beaucoup de chose. Un vrai wood and paper muncher!

That's a Touie. Smallest talking parrot, also called a "parrotlet". Her name is Nuggie and she only lets Cookie handle her, biting everyone else fiercely like she's some kind of huge Albatross. She is cute, and deadly. She's 2 1/2 years old and started saying "Cookie" recently. She freaks out whenever she hears Cookie's Lancer pull up in the driveway, this in turn alarms the Pug who doesn't know how to bark (she never learned) so she just howls weirdly, which in turn alarms the guinea pig... I should shoot video of this actually.



We also have an old senile Cockatiel who's going to turn 20 this fall. The life expectancy for a Cockatiel is 10~15 years. Not sure why this one shows so much longevity, I suspect it's a vampire of some kind. It doesn't talk but imitates my sneezing and the smoke detector.

The smoke detector is fucking annoying, the sneezing is actually rather funny.

I have no pictures of the Cockatiel, I suspect that like most vampires, he doesn't show up on film... :)
Nice birds you get there LG!! I heard cockatiel are amazing birds, must be a pain when it imitates the smoke detector lol!!

Jai oublié de mentionné que mon Conure danse a sa maniere, de gauche a droite, ca commence habituellement quand il te regarde du coin de l oeil pour ensuite faire des transferts de poids de gauche a droite.

Des fois il combine la danse a un bruit de narines d oiseaux qui fait tfft tfftt tfft super rapidement. Quand tu le flattes et qu il aime vraiment ca il fait un genre de meeehhhh, comme un grognement mais en meehhhhh
My parents have an african grey and besides shitting and making annoying fucking noises it doesnt do much really.

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Did you get her at a pet store, or did you go to a breeder? I had one (Kiwi) who had 10-15 words in his vocabulary, but my dad answered the door with him on his shoulders..... :(
I would love to get another one, but I want a true hand raised bird, not like the anti-social "hand fed" birds at pet shops.

My dream is to own an African Grey.
My parents have an african grey and besides shitting and making annoying fucking noises it doesnt do much really.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Probably because they don't spend time with it.
These birds are known to be the best talkers and the smartest out there.

Pics and videos coming later tonight
Don't these fuckers live for as long as you do? I'd be interested but i feel as if you need to have a pretty settled lifestyle with limited travel to be able to properly have a bird.

Post more pics of your flocks
Did you get her at a pet store, or did you go to a breeder? I had one (Kiwi) who had 10-15 words in his vocabulary, but my dad answered the door with him on his shoulders..... :(
I would love to get another one, but I want a true hand raised bird, not like the anti-social "hand fed" birds at pet shops.

My dream is to own an African Grey.

They always have some at Nature on St-John's near Future Shop in Pointe Claire. That's where Cookie got hers. She picked that one on purpose because it was feisty.

My mom has a Cockatoo.

It's hilarious but it's NOISY and the house is filled with allergens like feathers and dust. She got it after my dad died in 2004. It's hand raised but she doesn't take it out of its cage anymore because it bites and scratches when she tries to put it back in there. That bird will outlive us all :(
Pauvre perroquet qui ne sort plus de sa cage... :(

Ca depends toujours de la facon dont tu l'as habitué quand tu le mets dans sa cage. Si ca devient un evenement stressant pour l'oiseau, c est sur qu il va capoter. Chaque fois que tu vas le faire le stress va se demultiplier...

Au pire, dis a ta mere de sortir l'oiseau et si elle est vraiment pas capable de le remettre quand c est le temps, qu'elle se prenne une bonne couverture pour l envelopper et le remettre a l interieur!! Tu peux pas laisser un perroquet en cage c est cruel.
Au pire, dis a ta mere de sortir l'oiseau et si elle est vraiment pas capable de le remettre quand c est le temps, qu'elle se prenne une bonne couverture pour l envelopper et le remettre a l interieur!! Tu peux pas laisser un perroquet en cage c est cruel.

I wish. C'est ma mere dont on parle ici. J'en ai passes des mauvais quarts d'heures avec elle et je l'evite autant que possible, c'est pas bon pour ma pression sanguine.

J'en parlerai a ma soeur qui habite avec elle quand je la verrai elle.
Don't these fuckers live for as long as you do? I'd be interested but i feel as if you need to have a pretty settled lifestyle with limited travel to be able to properly have a bird.

Post more pics of your flocks

100% correct.

You need to make sure u have time for the bird as its a very big commitment if u wanna keep it healthy and happy.

My mother takes care of it mostly cause I live with my gf that can't let go of her kitties and I don't want to mix birds and cats.
I have 10 other lovebirds that wouldn't fair too well if the cats got to them!
100% correct.

You need to make sure u have time for the bird as its a very big commitment if u wanna keep it healthy and happy.

My mother takes care of it mostly cause I live with my gf that can't let go of her kitties and I don't want to mix birds and cats.
I have 10 other lovebirds that wouldn't fair too well if the cats got to them!

but your felines need to get them protons.