Payer pour jeter vos dechets que LG disait. On est rendu la.

Because you can only push people so far. At some point people will say enough of this and this and that and will start to find easier ways to handle certain things. If the garbage can is too small and you need to separate food from waste and compost it and more and more and more; people will get tired of it. Dumping paint down the drain is an easy something to do to ease the burden the city is placing on its citizens.

Pourquoi les gens videraient la peinture et produits chimiques dans les égouts? Il y a déjà des centres pour la récupération depuis des années. Tu met pas ça aux vidanges!

Si ils vont te charger pour t'en débarrasser, check bin ça! vide dans toilette/lavabos. Je parles des poubelles. Ça va sentir bon en plein été des poubelles pas ramasser au semaine!
Because you can only push people so far. At some point people will say enough of this and this and that and will start to find easier ways to handle certain things. If the garbage can is too small and you need to separate food from waste and compost it and more and more and more; people will get tired of it. Dumping paint down the drain is an easy something to do to ease the burden the city is placing on its citizens.

Exactly! If you are charged x amount of money for passing the quota, people are just going to flush the food down the toilet etc. to not pay extra. Therefore, more solids for the city to think about! ;) By doing so, you are just shifting the problem over IMO.
yeah, ils vont augmenter les taxe de ville pour le systeme d'égout tout en gardant la taxe sur le surplus :D
Get an in sink garbage disposal. I bought one and installed it in 2003 (still legit back then, now grandfather clause I can replace/repair if I want) and although I still have some garbage, it's not as much as it used to be.

Pis l'ete tout ce qui est fruit/legume (pelure, noyau, etc.) je fais une vermiculture avec qui devient de l'engrais. Uniquement des vegetaux par contre, aucune viande ou os.