Pont Ile-aux-Tourtes - Fermé?

People avoiding the 20 in Picnourt / IP, this was not even rush hour more around lunch time, I could not see the end of the line.

Tu as des informations d'un contact ou bien tu as entendu ça à la radio car moi dans les médias j'ai entendu 1 an?
Encore une fois hier vers 14h00 quand j'étais pris dans le trafic. J'ai compté 18 camions semi-remorque dans mon chant de vision. Je voyais plus de camions que de voiture.
La 30 c'est tu vraiment une alternative viable? À partir d'un West Island c'est un méchant détour
Je veux dire pour les camions. Pour le d'entreprises du West Island c'est la même chose que toi...
My collègue lives in Vaudreuil and he’s 3 hours a day commute now. Actually even longer because he has to drive to Hudson to drop his infant off at daycare then drive to work
Ca donne une bonne idée de ce que se passe sur les infrastructures au Québec. On va connaitre de notre vivant la reconstruction de tous les ponts.
sounds more like a market shift vs the bridge. Warehouse development is a great business to be in right now. Lots of companies couldn't afford to restructure their supply chains, so instead they are trying to be resilient by warehousing 20 to 30% more supply whether that's parts for manufacturing or product for retail

Doubt Walmart will eat a pill on it
sounds more like a market shift vs the bridge. Warehouse development is a great business to be in right now. Lots of companies couldn't afford to restructure their supply chains, so instead they are trying to be resilient by warehousing 20 to 30% more supply whether that's parts for manufacturing or product for retail

Doubt Walmart will eat a pill on it
I bet they already have ppl lining up to either rent or buy, it's only going to be shit to get on the island for so long, and even then they can use the 30 in the meantime
I bet they already have ppl lining up to either rent or buy, it's only going to be shit to get on the island for so long, and even then they can use the 30 in the meantime
If Walmart was the actual developer on that project, I would be shocked if they lost a single penny. A permitted development like that with the traffic plan already complete? Worth a fortune…At the same time, 3PL logistics is continuing to grow. Perhaps not at the rates we saw during the pandemic, but the slight downturn a few quarters ago has already reversed.

Something must have changed in their forecasting model and I’m almost certain it wasn’t the bridge. The main bulk of goods will be moving up the 81 to the 401 to Vaudreuil and from the container terminal via the 30. Walmart shipments to stores arrive at night.

Thinking a bridge (which will be replaced) canned a project like that is a bit silly. Whatever it was it was big enough to can a project very late into completion