Article: Post A Picture of Your Car Out From Storage 2013


New member
Hey Guys, as many know, I drive my RSTi year round, but I miss having a Summer car. Me and Darkfenix use to wait religiously to take our cars out. I remember some pretty funny stories, like forgetting to remove the platic cap on the negative side of the battery and wondering why my car kept shorting.

Anyways, back in the day, Dark's famous prelude and my S/C 3G eclipse. Post yours

Après quelques petites modifications ''customs'' elle est sortie dans la cours prendre l air. Mais encore trop de neige, de saletés et de nids de poules pour sortir dans la rue!!

I use my car year round now but I was always so anxious to take my civic out of the garage in the spring.


Edit: another pic
wasn't you i seen in Pointe st Charles on a little road with a bunch of guys you were letting a baby sit in the car?
Après quelques petites modifications ''customs'' elle est sortie dans la cours prendre l air. Mais encore trop de neige, de saletés et de nids de poules pour sortir dans la rue!!

mine is still sleeping. I think I'll take it out a bit later this year since I got a few things to do on it and I'm quite hesitant on whether I should upgrade a few more things or not lol.

as of right now:

Little goodie once it comes out:


wasn't you i seen in Pointe st Charles on a little road with a bunch of guys you were letting a baby sit in the car?

Non je ne crois pas... Je ne depasse pas la 13 sur la 40. ;)


Est-ce que le bebe avait des seins? :p
Nothing stored, but the end of winter mode for me anyway. Spring cleaning done and she's on her way to being ready for summer!

debut de saison 2012....mais elle a pas changer.
Je vais attendre qu'il repare les routes pour la sortir cette annee....