Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admits to smoking crack in "drunken stupor"

at least he spent his own money not the others like all the quebec majors that spend our money
You know Ford was for harsher sentences for pot users, right? You don't find that slightly hypocritical?

The real hypocritics are the people in this thread encouraging Ford's actions.

If he was mayor anywhere in QC the same people would be tearing him apart. But it's okay because Toronto, amirite?
The next Toronto Mayor is gonna have a church going image and is gonna rob Toronto blind and people won't even know it . When they eventually find it out money is missing , he's gonna use rob ford as an excuse and say , "see he wasn't doing his job properly , we needed to spend more money in order to run the city right " . Then people will agree and go back to watching tv as all is legit .

I am in no way backing ford here but let's be honest , people prefer the perfect image or illusion of a person even though they might be dumber than a box of nails rather than taking people with the quirks they come with as long as they are performing as they should .
Nope your wrong... I just don't get my panties in a bunch over very much and I tend to remember lifes worth living.
The next Toronto Mayor is gonna have a church going image and is gonna rob Toronto blind and people won't even know it . When they eventually find it out money is missing , he's gonna use rob ford as an excuse and say , "see he wasn't doing his job properly , we needed to spend more money in order to run the city right " . Then people will agree and go back to watching tv as all is legit .

I am in no way backing ford here but let's be honest , people prefer the perfect image or illusion of a person even though they might be dumber than a box of nails rather than taking people with the quirks they come with as long as they are performing as they should .

Being drunk all the time, smoking crack, and driving drunk isnt a quirk, it's a serious problem.
Le maire de la plus grande capitale economique du Canada admet avoir fumė du crack et on laisse faire. Ce gars la est le representant de la ville , il a beau avoir un bon bilan c'est tout simplement innaceptable. Il fait passer le monde pour une belle bande de clowns.
Cette simple nouvelle fait le tour de la planète terni l'image politique et municipale du Canada et il y en a qui sont d'accord avec ça....Bravo gang de caves...
Demain matin on apprend que Denis Coderre ou Pauline Marois fume du crack 1 fois dans leur vie, c'est même caves veulent les fusiller
My girlfriend tried crack once or twice at parties 15 years ago.

That makes her an addict?

Wether you like it or not, every drug IS a recreational drug to boot. Some people lose control over that shit and the recreational part of it becomes the complete fuck over of your life.

It's just dumb to say "Crack is instantly addictive, you don't smoke it just for fun".

Yes you do, at least at first, then you either control yourself or not.
No one should even want to try and smoke it. Seen it all to much here 15 year olds smoking weed, at 17 drinking doing blow. 20 years old cracked out of their mind. The high you get is fucking paranoya who enjoys that shit?
he is fat, people that smoke crack are tiny

right ....
