Look At This Montreal Automated License Plate Scanner Vehicle

Look At This Montreal Automated License Plate Scanner Vehicle

One of our members (PolishSausage) snapped a photo of this ridiculous-looking contraption being used by the city of Montreal to scan license plates.

As you can see from the photo it’s being operated by Stationnement de Montréal so we don’t believe it’s checking for expired registrations as this isn’t their jurisdiction. What’s likely happening here is the city is scanning for unpaid parking spaces and the cameras will auto-issue a ticket much the same as if you got caught speeding in a photo-radar zone.

As another member put it: At least they’re being discreet!

Discussion: http://www.montrealracing.com/forums/showthread.php?883301-Spotted-SUV-with-cameras-mounted-on-it-dt

Update: Guillaume Boily posted a better photo:
